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Dark GDK / DGSDK app 'active'?

Lampton Worm
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Joined: 4th Sep 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 20th Mar 2006 01:03

Is it possible to find out if your DGSDK app is the current in-focus window? The reason is because I hide/contain the mouse within a window, and when someone ctrl-tab's to something else, I want to release/show to mouse, then constrain again when the user tabs back to my app.. I had a play with dbScreenInvalid but I don't think this is the right command. Any ideas?

Retired Moderator
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Posted: 20th Mar 2006 15:06
Use the windows BOOL IsIconic(HWND) function, using the hWnd from the globstruct.

You can use something like this to stop your app grabbing all of the processor time while it's mininised:

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