Quote: "Ah, finally a very usefull thread.
This will make stop newbies saying "FPSC is too slow, crappy!"
... i hate these."
I will make a few points here.
First, Static Entitys require a texturing algorithm to try to only texture what needs to be textured. This means, if you make a big static fiasco, FPSC should try to keep the textures from bleeding into the other parts of the fiasco.
Also, spawn is niether in MS or Sec. It is in a stupid time. Basically, if your far away, time goes slower over there, if your close. It goes fast. FPS * time in sec
As for dynamic entitys, they work alot like spawn times, as you get further away, they move slower. Both the physics and scripts slow down.
Plrcanbeseen and plringunsight are both lag centrals. They massivly slow down the game. And should be reduced to simples.
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