No it's just the both Quote "" commas.
(I now edited the above post to change it from quote to code snippet to hide those "")
Oh well it seems that noone can help until I post my dll.
Hey Rustler can you please test this for me, I attached it. In DBP you write this:
sync on
sync rate 100
make object cube 1,10
disable escapekey
load dll "..extend.dll",1
for n=1 to 100
call dll 1,"extend_WriteToConsole","Testing 123..."
next n
call dll 1,"extend_DumpDebugToText"
delete dll 1
text 10,10,"Fps: " + str$(screen fps())
yrotate object 1,wrapvalue(object angle y(1)+1.0)
xrotate object 1,wrapvalue(object angle x(1)+0.8)
if scancode()=0 then KEY_PRESS=0
if escapekey()=1 then delete dll 1 : end
If it worked in DBP's temp dir should be created another folder called "Debug" with one text file that contains lots of "Testing 123...".
I get an above mentioned errors when exiting from my app! Strange I don't see a reason why, I thought it was something with releasing the dll, but it still crashes when I added DELETE DLL 1 command.
(Excuse me for my bad english, I'm trying
Thanks in advance,
"Gangsters die, they don't go to heaven where angels fly!"
AMD Sempron 3.1+ Ghz, 512MB Ram, ATI R9550 256MB Ram, Sound Blaster Live!, WinXP SP2, DirectX 9.0c