It's been a long time a coming, but finally, FINALLY I am ready to release it to the general public.
Due to that I don't like some people, you will have to run the "Authorize" program which will generate a number that you can email me for a activation code. Once you enter in this number, it will allow you to run Riker 9 Beta 5 on ONLY that computer.
Complete list of Fixes:
1) Load/Save with Generic menu. You can only load the last 10 points. Using the script file, you assign the which key is the "Hot Key" for instant save. Please note that because of the phycics, it will not "save" boxes and such in mid air. Everything is at a "rest" state when you load the game.
2) Faster Frame Rate. Up to 35% faster. It will increase once U6 is out of Release Canidate
3) Land Mines. Please read Help File for instructions
4) Vehicles. Only first person view with Vehicles. Sorry!
5) Multiplayer has been removed from this version so I could read the code better.
6) Check the Read Me file that comes with it to get a full list of enhancements to Riker 9 Beta 5.
Ok, enjoy and let me know what you think!
-This...is my boomstick!
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