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Program Announcements / [LOCKED] i have made MMORPGFPSRTS Puzzle Platformer!

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Posted: 2nd Apr 2006 05:15
i pity you fools who cannot make MMORPGFPSRTS Puzzle Platformer. IM RICH (honeywise)!

i've secretely been working with the help of sony over the last 2 days in making an MMORPGFPSRTS Puzzle Platformer. last week i found a gay publisher, and last night my project was finished.

the publisher said they were extremely interested in the MMORPGFPSRTS Puzzle Platformer because i was a guy and he was gay, and they believe it is what MMORPGFPSRTS Puzzle Platformer gamers have truely been waiting for.

the actual title and screenshots are still to be secret for now, as is the publishers name because they are illegal and inapopriate photos.

thanks to everyone for their help and support. I'll be spending this morning tracing down people who have helped, and making contact with them and pictures will meet them shortly via mail.

(and btw, the client of the MMORPGFPSRTS Puzzle Platformer WAS coded in darkbasic, with the use of many plug-ins)

i am however allowed to tell you about the game itself, ask questions if you wish.

(in spite of the horrible april fools joke which got locked, sorry I had to make fun of it)

"Forgiveness is a good thing"
"Forgiveness is between them, and God. I set up the meeting"
-Man on Fire
Uncle Sam
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2006 06:42
I have a question...why are you wasting your time?

Uncle Sam
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2006 06:57
This joke only gets better with age. Tell it at least bi-weekly, and eventually people will warm up to it.
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