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2D All the way! / Grids

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Posted: 20th Mar 2003 22:14
How do i make a Grid

Ok im going back to basics im going to creat a simple 2d game. Only i need to know how make a grid and to scroll
thanx in advance
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Posted: 20th Mar 2003 23:07
Do you mean like in the '2D Tile Displaying' a few posts below?
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Posted: 21st Mar 2003 11:29
Sorry i should have said it more clearly wot i ment was how do i put an image in the backgound and make it so when my sprite hits a certain color in the image it stops.

DBC by the way

Thanx in advance

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Posted: 21st Mar 2003 22:20
There is no easy way.

One way would be to use the POINT function to check the colours under your sprite.

If the non-collision areas of your backdrop are coloured black and you can treat all colours as collisions, you can use GET IMAGE to capture the pixels under your sprite, set the new image up as a sprite at the same point, check for collisions between them and then hide your new sprite.
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Posted: 21st Mar 2003 23:35
Can you explain in easier terms. I am only just starting out in 2d mostly 3d projects so far.

Darkworlds are all around us just open your eyes
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Posted: 5th Apr 2003 03:55
You could create a sprite for a character, then create sprites for walls, then check to see if the character has run into the walls by going:
SPRITE COLLISION(character sprite number, 0)
or for a specific wall:
SPRITE COLLISION(character sprite number, wall number)

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