i done something ... just for fun:
sync on
sync rate 0
make object sphere 1,2
make mesh from object 1,1
delete object 1
make object sphere 2,1.5
color object 2,rgb(255,0,0)
for i = 1 to 18
add limb 2,(i*4)-3,1
add limb 2,(i*4)-2,1
hide limb 2,(i*4)-3
hide limb 2,(i*4)-2
add limb 2,(i*4)-1,1
add limb 2,(i*4),1
link limb 2,(i*4)-2,(i*4)-3
for j=1 to 2
link limb 2,(i*4)+1-j,(i*4)-2
color limb 2,(i*4)+1-j,rgb(rnd(255),rnd(255),rnd(255))
offset limb 2,(i*4)+1-j,0,0,0.75*(-1^j)
scale limb 2,(i*4)+1-j,10,10,50
next j
rotate limb 2,(i*4)-3,0,i*10,0
next i
add limb 2,(i*4)-3,1
position camera 0,1,-3
point camera 0,0,0
for i = 1 to 18
rem uncomment this line to do same thing than the indi code ..and comment the 2 lines after...
rem rotate limb 2,(i*4)-3,wrapvalue(limb angle y(2,(i*4)-3)-1),wrapvalue(limb angle y(2,(i*4)-3)-1),wrapvalue(limb angle y(2,(i*4)-3)-1)
rotate limb 2,(i*4)-3,0,wrapvalue(limb angle y(2,(i*4)-3)-1),0
rotate limb 2,(i*4)-2,wrapvalue(sin(limb angle y(2,(i*4)-3)*4)*10),0,0
next i
i did not know exactly what i wanted to do..you can put diferent .. "movement"....but now you have control on..each point.. and you can use "ZYX rotation order" for the limb.. wich was impossible..before...
hmmm damn im..just thinking something.......if you set the object to rotation order ZYX ...limb will be ..chaged too....lol.. all that for..nothing..
i did not tested it..but...