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Program Announcements / [LOCKED] DO You WANT To SeLl YoUr GaMe On My SiTe??

alex 1337
User Banned
Posted: 8th Apr 2006 01:56
Hello everybody, I myself am a developer and I am hearing a lot of people would like to sell their games in the US that live in other countries. Basically I am offering great rates to sell your game. Because I make games, I would like to pay you the amount I would like to be paid. Here are the requirements:

Please read Carefully
1. You will be given all rights to distribute your game on other websites.
2. You will be paid through paypal exactly 80 percent of the net profits gained.
3. You must show our logo in your game.
4. Your game will also be distributed to a handfull of different websites on the web.
5. You must be 18 years of age or have parent consent. There will be no written contract for international reasons but you must agree to the terms and conditions granted. Failure to do so will result in a termination of the agreement and your game will be taken off the site immediately.

More information will be given in the next couple days. The site is being built. If you would like to see if your game is approved please send a demo and/or a video of the game to


Any questions should also be sent to the email address stated above.
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 02:03 Edited at: 8th Apr 2006 02:08

please get rid of all that obnoxious capitalization

Richard Davey
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 02:06
And you have a very highly visited web site with thousands of visitors to make it worth taking that 20% I hope? If you do your rates are very good, if not this is somewhat pointless.

Bite my shiny metal ass
alex 1337
User Banned
Posted: 8th Apr 2006 02:20
Before I started remodeling my site, I was getting about 100 unique visitors a week, so I think that is pretty good. After the site is finished I will have more advertisement on other sites as well.

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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 02:24
I seriously doubt anyone will send their game until you have finished your site and have given a link. You shouldn't have made this thread until you have already finished doing that.

alex 1337
User Banned
Posted: 8th Apr 2006 02:25
I think you are right, but I wanted to get a head start at getting a couple games to add to the site before releasing it. It would look too empty.
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 02:32
Quote: "I wanted to get a head start at getting a couple games to add to the site before releasing it"

which will not happen until after you release it...
I think you should show us the general site and everything first.

alex 1337
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 02:38
Ok, will do.

Thanks for your response.
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 02:59
I dont think I would want to sell again and have 20% of my profits taken from me, when I could just do it myself.. o_o;
but then again I want all profits xD

Making better games everday!
Oh yeah and just so you know its Oh-nek-a not One-ka!
alex 1337
User Banned
Posted: 8th Apr 2006 03:27
Well, you can sell your game somewhere else too. As I said before, sell your game wherever you want, but games bought from my site will have 20% deducted. Other companies deduct 60%.
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 03:34
Quote: "5. You must be 18 years of age or have parent consent. There will be no written contract for international reasons but you must agree to the terms and conditions granted. Failure to do so will result in a termination of the agreement and your game will be taken off the site immediately."

Why would the game even be UP on the site prior to having a full agreement in place?

What "international" reason is there that prohibits a written contract between the two parties?

"...or have parent consent." would sound way more professional if you used the word "Parental"

The only reason I didnt lock this was because Rich posted in it and didn't lock it himself. It sounds rubbish to me but I am highly skeptical in general.

Lost in Thought
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 04:08 Edited at: 8th Apr 2006 04:10
Isn't this double posting?

It also isn't a program announcement. Shouldn't it be in Geek Culture

[edit] Plus the way the title is spelled it looks like a 12 year old posted it.

alex 1337
User Banned
Posted: 8th Apr 2006 04:33
Ok the reason I am not having a written contract is because if anything at all happens such as a law suit, I would have to go all the way to that country. This agreement is between the supplier and I. If anything at all happens, I remove the game from the site. Simple as that. As for being skeptical, there is nothing to be skeptical about. I am giving you 80% of the profits. Simple as that. Sorry about the double post, I wanted it moved over here.
Megaton Cat
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 04:34 Edited at: 8th Apr 2006 04:38
1. You will be given all rights to distribute your game on other websites.

Yay...we don't get plagiarized!

2. You will be paid through paypal exactly 80 percent of the net profits

100 hits a week is a lame hitcount to be charging 20%. So no.

3. You must show our logo in your game.

Hehehe...No. You should really learn how publishing works before saying things like that.

4. Your game will also be distributed to a handfull of different websites on the web.

Isn't that the same as No.1?

5. You must be 18 years of age or have parent consent. There will be no written contract for international reasons but you must agree to the terms and conditions granted. Failure to do so will result in a termination of the agreement and your game will be taken off the site immediately.

The majority here is under 18...and yeah, we make kick-ass games.

Thank you, come again.

It's like a Megaton Cat radar, 24 hours a day.
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 04:44
is this the same little puke that posted this same crap, weeks ago?

Dont you have something better to do,junior?

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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 04:55
Purely due to your lack of professionalism, I would not want you to advertise or sell my products, no offense.

My advise, get some lessons in business studies or equivalent. Make a better website too.. maybe charge less when your are starting off and increase/decrease your charge depending on popularity. Thats if you want to take it seriously of course.
alex 1337
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 05:02
Ok never mind this thread, mods lock it.
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 05:06 Edited at: 8th Apr 2006 05:17
I WoUlD LIke tO SeLL mY gAMe on Your siTE! Be wARnEd tHOuGH, My gAME is AS pROfEssIOnal aS yOUr mArkETing.

In all seriousness, I'd recommend creating a shopping cart/payment system. Build a full on e-commerce system, tailer-made for selling games and then come back here.

If I had a game and I wanted to sell it, I'd have to get in involved with credit card purchases, site layout, reviews, customer services, secured downloads, blah blah blah - it's a lot of work. If you can take that away from people, then they'll give you money for it.

You need to demonstrate what people are getting for their 20% - you need to add value to the process. You need to offer a centralised, simple, customer-oriented sale service. That service cannot be people paying with paypal and then you emailing them the game. If you used a proper credit card merchant system (like protx) then that would notch up some professionalism points. Again, if you had a proper, visually attractive e-commerce system, then customers would feel like they were dealing with a serious company... which in turn makes developers want to do business with you. etc etc...

Unfortunately, the only thing you bring to the party is the centralised location and nothing else, which evidently, people don't value very highly. The reason people don't value it is because it's not high volume ... so throw them a bone, and provide a service. I'm positive some of the people on here would love to use a reseller, but that organisation can't just be some dude with a domain.

iv tryed everything!!!!!!!!!! could u please just add The gun and shooting Code thats All!!!!!!!!!
Megaton Cat
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 05:19 Edited at: 8th Apr 2006 05:20
I would like to make one small addition to adr's well-written advice:

Most of us here won't even give you one penny unless you have a healthy hit count to begin with. (As Rich pointed out)
Otherwise, you're just one guy with a new website.

It's like a Megaton Cat radar, 24 hours a day.
alex 1337
User Banned
Posted: 8th Apr 2006 05:20
Ok thank you very much adr. It was a mistake postink so early without having completely finished the site yet. Until then, please some mod lock this thread.
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 05:33 Edited at: 8th Apr 2006 05:34
Quote: "Most of us here won't even give you one penny unless you have a healthy hit count to begin with."

I disagree ... If he charged a monthly fee, then yeah, I'd be pissed off. However, it's a charge per-unit. It's in his interests to make sure his site becomes popular. He could do that through a PPC campaign or something - as a developer, promotion is not my problem. If after 6 months, he hasn't sold a unit, pull it. Go with someone else - you've not lost anything as it's not an exclusive deal.

I would say the reason people here are being snotty ("pfft - you're not selling my half-assed MMORPG") is because the point of sale reflects on the product being sold. So, if this dude's site is full of blink tags, "under construction" animated gifs and generally, an atrocious-looking site, a potential customer will visit and be scared away.

It may even be worth shelling out $20 or so on something from template monster.

Quote: "please some mod lock this thread"

Sorry to keep digging it up If you're serious, then people will come along and do business. However, if this is something you're considering as a quick weekend project, then don't bother. This could well be a full time job on its own.

iv tryed everything!!!!!!!!!! could u please just add The gun and shooting Code thats All!!!!!!!!!
Megaton Cat
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 05:37
It's also in your interest to sell. You can either start selling with a "meh I'll take what I get" attitude, or you can really work hard, and try to appeal to someone. Either way, I'm not paying him money to sell my "uber uncompleted MMORTSFPSRPG".

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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 05:45 Edited at: 8th Apr 2006 05:46
Quote: "It's also in your interest to sell."

I think I overlooked that. I have a job that earns me money, so once in a blue moon, if I get a cheque for £50 because "Sphere on Matrix 3" shifted 30 units, that's just icing on the cake for me.

What I'm saying is, there's nothing to stop you distributing your product through as many resellers as you can find. As long as none of them have a negative impact on the product's brand (like, being sold through an awful looking site) then I'd say the more the merrier. I'm not that experienced in sales specifically, so someone correct me if I'm wrong on the "more the merrier" thing.

OK, it's almost 4am and I look as tired as my avatar. goodnight.

iv tryed everything!!!!!!!!!! could u please just add The gun and shooting Code thats All!!!!!!!!!
Megaton Cat
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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 05:52 Edited at: 8th Apr 2006 05:53
Fair share.

Some of us are abit more serious then the average bedroom programmer, and we'd want a decent proffesional service. At 20% royalty rate, that's not too much to ask for is it?

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Posted: 8th Apr 2006 06:12
Sounds to me like he just wants to make money by doing virtually nothing off of hard working programmers.... nice scam

Making better games everday!
Oh yeah and just so you know its Oh-nek-a not One-ka!

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