Windows = sucky games.
World Size = Sucky Games.
Halls = Sucky games.
Crazy Stuff = Sucky Games.
Dynamic Lights = Sucky Games.
Hmm, looks like I made an acryonom...
What Would Hillary Clinton Do?
probally go shopping, but that is besides the point.
Windows create EXCESSIVE leaks due to the fact that FPSC renders EVERYTHING outside of them.
World Size Levels = no go. It isn't about being ABLE to do it, it is about being able to keep up with all the leaks. As your level size increases, the number of potential leaks increase.
Halls. One of the biggest misconceptions ever, and I keep having to tell people. Doors do NOT block the rendering process, You don't make a "hall" you make a boundry, a turn, something that prevents what is on both sides of the door from rendering, and sometimes you need to push it even more. A simple wall extending 1 or 2 units on both sides typically does it, or starting a passageway that turns away from the door. What will NOT prevent excessive renders is aditional doors, or going below, you NEED to turn or put up a wall to block those renders.
Crazy Stuff. Yeah, it is allways cool when you rig up a trap which drops a thousand crates on the plr, but it will hurt FPS like no tomorrow. just increase the force damage of the crates and drop only 5 or 7. Nore do you need to use counters on everything, or some half ass idea to make all the lights in the house flicker.
Dynamic Lights. Possibly the worst thing TGC added, and are set up in the worst possible way. If you want to change the color of your gun, just set up a zone and use a transparent hud image to "stimulate" light. Or something like that...
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