DarkParadise - Open-source 3d Multiplayer FPS
DarkParadise is going to be open-source FPS game. Im not good coder yet in Dark Basic, so i decided to make this open for everyone. There arent any code ready yet. I can help with models, maps, textures.
What the heck is DarkParadise
Two teams are fighting. Police and Terrorist. Teams got few different skins and weapons. Maps will be mostly outside maps, but lets use .bsp files so people can make own maps.
Im trying to help so much as i can but coding is up to you guys.
Lets make this real!
If someone is intrested i will start making weapons / textures / maps as soon i see that message. My only wish for coders is this: Can we please use Newton Physics Engine.
Website will come, if people is intrested.
Sorry, about my english because it isnt perfect.
From finland