I'm working on a new game called "The Deamon",It is an intense story of Violence,Polotics....Did I mention violence?Well,Here's the full story:
After the end of The 3rd World War(2238),The Robots that
The United States Army created to assist in battle knew that
After the War,They knew they would be deactivated-A
Malfunction occurred in the robots AI causing them to
Rebel against all humans. A man named Nikolai Conker
Began the AI malfunction, And for that he had a metal,
Spiked mask placed over his face…He didn’t die-
Now, every robot is working for Nikolai.And you'r the next to be prosecuted!
You start the game out in a dark prison cell,Gaurds are everywhere,You eventually find a way out,and fight through the prison complex.Then you end up in the "Urban Decayed" Subway system,where they dumped all the "Bad" experiments.Then you'r in the Main Complex,Then you fight Nikolai!
I love using FPS Maker to do what I've always wanted,Make FPS's.But when I'm working on a game,I can't seem to turn objects.Someone reply to this if you can tell me what to do!