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Dark GDK / Include DarkSDK in C++

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Posted: 9th Apr 2006 17:24

I am new to DarkSDK.

Now after I boutght it,
I tried to include the header files in
Mircrosoft Visual C++ .Net 2003.

Therefor I added the following line to my program:

#include "DarkSDK.h"
and I also tryed it with writing the path, where DarkSDK is stored,
in that line.

But it doesnt work.
C++ says that the is an fatal error: Can't open DarkSDKCore.h
although ist was there.

Can anyone help me, please?
Bored of the Rings
User Banned
Posted: 9th Apr 2006 19:12
Please make sure you do the following (taken from the help file that comes with DarkSDK):-

Compiler Set Up - Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
To add the include path to the Visual Studio .NET 2003 environment -

go to "tools\options\projects" and select "vc++ directories"
add the Dark Game SDK include directory to the list of folders e.g. "c:\program files\the game creators\dark game sdk\include"
To add the library path to the Visual Studio .NET 2003 environment. Note that you must use the LIB files in the "VS7" folder -
go to "tools\options\projects" and select "vc++ directories"
add the Dark Game SDK library directory to the list of folders e.g. "c:\program files\the game creators\dark game sdk\lib\vs7"

Compiler Set Up
When the include and library paths have been set up you are then ready to create a new project that can use the Dark Game SDK. If you get any errors on attempting to compile a new project or one of the samples provided then check your compiler settings are valid.

Creating A New Project - Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
Select the "file" menu and click on "new". Now click on the "projects" tab. Select the "Dark Game SDK AppWizard", type in your project name and you're ready to go. Alternatively create a new, blank Win32 Project.

Creating A New Project - Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
Create a new, blank Win32 Project. Add in the basic code required to start a Dark Game SDK project - see the program requirements section.

Program Requirements
When using the SDK it's important to note the following -

you must include "DarkSDK.h" in your source
you must use the function "DarkSDK" as your application entry point
These requirements are demonstrated in this code example -

#include "DarkSDK.h"

void DarkSDK ( void )


Sample Programs
Several sample programs are included with the SDK. These programs demonstrate how to use some of the features contained with the SDK. They can be found in the "samples" folder where the SDK was installed e.g. "c:\program files\the game creators\dark game sdk\samples" or alternatively accessed from the start menu in "the game creators\dark game sdk".
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Posted: 10th Apr 2006 17:34
There was no need to start a new thread, it has been deleted.

This was the new question in the new/deleted thread

IceBorg Asks:

I did what Member "Bored of the Rings" said in the las post
"Incude DarkSDK in C++ ".

But it doesn't run.

I entered all the needed paths into the options.
The paths ARE valid!
I also wrote the needed code into my Win32-Project.

But it says: "DarkSDK.h not found" although its there
and the paths are correct and the entries in the project
are correct.

Can anyone help me, please?

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Posted: 10th Apr 2006 17:51
Clearly, if the VS include paths, (Not the project's) are correctly setup to point to the DGSDK header files, you must use

#include <DarkSDK.h>

and not

#include "DarkSDK.h"

The latter points to local project folder only, where as the former does a global search of all include paths.


Home of the Cartography Shop - DarkBASIC Professional map importer
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Posted: 10th Apr 2006 18:25
Thanks, but that doesn't run too.

Pleas help.
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Posted: 10th Apr 2006 19:05
Sorry, it was my fault.

I put the path for DarkSDK in the wrong category in the
options in C++.

Thanks for helping
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Posted: 15th Jun 2006 22:20
I tried #include <DarkSDK.h> and #include "DarkSDK.h" and I still get the same error... can not open include file 'Darksdk.h'
When you say ... I put the path for DarkSDK in the wrong category in the options in C++... what do you mean?
My VS7 and include paths are in the VC++ directories and I still can't get rid of this error.
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Posted: 16th Jun 2006 11:50
I ment the following:

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio C++.Net 2003
(GERMAN VERSION - Maybe you must try to find the following in english on your own)


In the the menu choose
"Extras" -> "Optionen" -> "Projects" -> "VC++ Verzeichnisse"
(should be nearly the same in english)


Then on the top-left there is a drop down menu
with some categorys:
"Ausführbare Dateien" (should be "exexutable" in english)
"Include Dateien" (should be nearly the same in english)
"Bibliothekdateien" (should be "library" in english)
"Quelldateien" (should be "source" in english)


Now you have to enter:

1. at the Include menu: the path to your include directory from
Dark SDK on your harddisk.

2. at the Lib menu: the path to the VS7 directory from
Dark SDK on your harddisk.
( I also entered the path to the VS6 directory)

That's it.
Now it should work.
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Posted: 16th Jun 2006 15:51
PS: and don't forget too:

Dark SDK doesn't work with a console project.
You have to use a Win32 project.

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