Hello folks, this is a small L33t language story I translated using my new L33t translator.
Here it goes:
Original format:
And as the glowing sun rose, the yellow planes of sharp cheddar cheese filled the moist air with a nostalgic sense of sweet pasteurization. I walked across the aged brick patio to the kitchen. The fried cheese curds were hopping madly on my pastel, yellow plate. I finished my delicious breakfast, and I put on my cheese cloth corduroys and went out to the barn and cheesed the cheesing cows.
I went out and collected all the scrumptious cheese omelettes the clucking hens had laid last night. Then, the grey clouds rolled in and it started to rain heavily on our cottage cheese cottage. I ran under our bleu porch. It was raining sprinkles of white parmesan ground cheese. After the rain, a beautiful rainbow saturated our stained clothes with a new scent of limburger.
I daintily skipped along the shadowy forests. They look so fermented this time of our cheese-filled year. I went back inside with some bleu berries I picked among the shadowy forests. Then, we cooked up a thoroughly melted cheese pie. It was the most hair-raising experience I’ve ever had.
After I scrubbed the floor with freshly melted cheese, I walked upstairs to find the kolby roof melted away. So, I brought up sealing caulk and some milky whey to fix the melting roof. Then, the cow-bearing milkman had a wonderful surprise with him- cheese! We drank it whole, after choking for five whole minutes straight.
Towards the end of the long day, me, my diligent father, and my caring mother sat around the burning campfire roasting monterey jack cheese over the intense flames. Ironically, our entire house melted. We laughed hysterically, and then the cheddar fields started melting. And then, the bleu berry forest started melting.
Oh well- that's just life as an American Cheese Farmhand...
L33t translator:
AND 4$ +He 9l0wIN9 Sun R053, THE YeLl0W pl4N3$ 0F $H4rp ChedD@r cHe35e phILL3d T3H m0I$+ 4iR W1th @ N0$+@LGIC SenS3 oF $WEeT p@5teuR1Z4T1on. 1 W4LKED acR055 tEh @9ED 8R1Ck p@+1o TO +He KiTchEn. Teh PHR13d ChE3$e CUrd5 w3r3 hopPIN9 M@dly On my P4$+eL, y3LloW pl4t3. 1 ph1ni5HeD mY dEl1cI0U5 8r3@kPH45T, 4nD I PUT On mY ch3E53 clO+h cORdur0Y5 4nd WENt Ou+ tO +EH b@rn 4nD cH335ED +hE CHEe5Ing CoW$.
1 W3N+ OU+ 4Nd CoLLEc+ed 4lL +H3 5Crump+i0uS Che353 Om3l3++35 Th3 cluCKIN9 hen$ h4D L@1D L45T N19H+. tH3N, +h3 GRey Cl0Ud$ ROLled iN @nD 1T 5+4R+ed +0 r4in H34v1lY On 0UR c0tT4g3 cHEe$3 C0TT@9e. i r4N uNder OUR 8leu P0RcH. 1T W@5 R4in1n9 5PR1NklES Oph whi+E P4RME$4n GR0und ChEe$E. @pH+ER +h3 R41N, @ B3@Ut1FUL RAinb0W 54+Ur4ted oUR 5T41NeD clO+h35 wiTh 4 nEw 5cen+ of l1M8ur9eR.
1 D@In+1LY $kipPEd 4LOn9 +HE 5Had0Wy fOr35t5. +H3y l00K So PherM3NTEd Th15 +1mE oph 0uR che353-f1Lled yE@R. 1 went 84CK 1nS1DE w1+h 50m3 BLEu 8ERRi35 1 p1cked 4mOng +H3 5h@dOWy phoRe5+5. +HEn, w3 c00k3D uP 4 +H0r0U9Hly M3lT3D cHEESE pIe. I+ w4S t3h MO5+ h41r-r4151n9 3XPeR13Nc3 1’V3 Ev3r HAD.
4Ft3R I 5CRU8BeD t3h pHlOOR WiTh Fr35HLy mel+ED CheE5E, 1 W4Lked UP5+@Ir5 +o F1nD TEh KoLBY ROOPh M3L+ed @WaY. 5o, 1 BRougH+ Up $e4L1Ng c4ulK 4ND 5oME m1LKy wh3Y +0 f1x the mel+InG rooPH. +H3n, tHe Cow-b3@r1n9 M1lKm4n h4d 4 W0NdERFuL 5urpR15e wi+h him- ch3e$E! W3 DRaNk 1+ WholE, apht3R CH0K1n9 For FIve wHOLE miNU+35 5Tr4i9H+.
TOW@RD$ +eh 3Nd 0f T3H lON9 D4Y, m3, MY d1Li93n+ F4th3r, 4nd MY c4Rin9 Mo+HEr 5@t 4RouNd t3H bUrn1n9 c@MPpH1R3 r045+1NG moN+3ReY j4CK cH3E53 0ver +HE INtEn5e Fl4m35. 1r0nIC@LlY, OUR enTiR3 HoUSe MEl+ED. w3 L4UgHEd hy5+er1c4LLy, @nD Th3n +hE CHeDD4r f1elD5 $TArteD mEL+iN9. And THEN, +He blEu 8ErRy PHORE5t 5T4r+ED Mel+inG.
0H w3LL- TH4+'5 jU5+ liPh3 @5 4N 4M3RiC4N CH3Es3 f4Rmh@Nd...
1PH J00 C4|\| U|\|dER$T@|\||) +|-|I$, j00 |-|@\/3 4lR3Ady w0|\|! - p1r@T$$