Startsf- This command will start the dll put this at the top of your code.
Readfilef- This command will do the same as open to read in dbpro file set
Readfilef filename$, filenumber
Writefilef- This command will do the same as the open to write command in dbpro
Writefilef filename$, filenumber
Readf- This command will read each line in tern every time the command is called
Writef- This command will write a line to the file
Writef String$, Filenumber
Closef- This command will close a file already open
Closef filenumber
Deletef- This command will delete a file (file must not be open)
Deletef filename$
Sizef- This will return the size of a currently open file
Agef- This will return the age when the file was fist made
Linesf- This will return the number of lines in the file
Readlinef- Will return the string at a line number
A$=Readlinef(Filenumber, Linenumber)
Resetf- Will but the file back to the start after reading
Resetf Filenumber
Renamef- will rename a file from a file number file must be open and it will be closed after you use this command
Renamef Filenumber, Newfilename$
Disksizef- will return the size of a hard disk on the computer if there is no hard disk it will return 0
Diskfreef- this returns the free space of a selected disk no hard disk it will return 0
Search- this will look for a file in up to 5 directories in one go
A$=Search(filename$, dir$) or
( filename$, dir$, dir1$) or
( filename$, dir$, dir1$, dir2$) or
( filename$, dir$, dir1$, dir2$, dir3$) or
( filename$, dir$, dir1$, dir2$, dir3$, dir4$)
Findf- will find the first file in any dir you can refine it so it will look for start letters and/or end extensions. E.g. a$=findf(“s*.*”,”d:/”)
A$=Findf(Filename, Dir)
Nextf- will give you the next file after the first file found with findf
Restartf- will put the search back to the start so you can look again however you will need findf after this command to do so.
FindSizef- will return the size of the file found with findf or nextf
Extensionchangef- will change the extension of a file (file must not be open)
Extensionchangef Oldfilename, Newextension
there are all of the commands so far hope you enjoy and click on the attachment to download the dll any problems then you can post here or email me at
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