OK, now we have in the development VTM 2.0 - (Professional Edition). This new version will include convenient GIU, more tools,
No "Whenu Save!". But this next version will be shareware, and available for free to try.
We already have VTM 2.0 beta-version (without any adware and unfortunately without documentation). The new GIU is easy and I think it's not a problem to use the beta version without a help. If you wish to test this beta then please send a message to our techncal support at: support'at(@)'ungsoft.com
Screenshots for VTM v.1.3 available at our website.
WhenU isn't spyware - it's adware and does not send your personal information to WhenU. It only sometimes displays ads (2-3 times per day). And uninstallation of this software isn't a problem. You can visit www.whenu.com to learn about their adware.
VTM 1.2 was 100% freeware (without "Save!").
Now I understand that you don't agree to use adware. That's why next version will be shareware.
But what you can say about code examples?
Do you think VTM will be usable and useful tool if we release Professional edition with GIU, new tools, etc.?
Sorry for tardy anwers, I have no a lot of time. And thanks for you advices. We appreciate your opinions.
UNGSoft Developers Group