im not sure if this will work in dbc or not i only use dbpro but youll get the basic concept
`technical stuff
autocam off
sync on:sync rate 20
make object cube 1,5
`camera stuff
position camera 500,300,30
point camera 0,0,0
` main loop
if spacekey()=1
repeat`telling the program to repeat until the until statment becomes true
y#=y#+(-9.8*(x*x)+(50*x))`this is a basic gravity formula -9.8 is the gravity 50 is the upword velocity
if y#<=0 then y#=0`make sure we dont fall bealow the ground
move object 1,5`move the object foward
position object 1,object position x(1),y#,object position z(1)`position the object at new y position while maintaing former x and z positions
until y#=0`untill statement
x=0`reset x
loop`end loop