hey, i have been working on this dll for about 2 weeks now it has a good debug system which will enable you to send the errors to me incase of any bugs with the commards. currenly i only have ftpconnect, ftpdisconnect, ftpstauts, ftpputfile, ftpgetfile.
this plugin also has:
ftpconnect2, ftpdisconnect2, ftpstauts2, ftpputfile2, ftpgetfile2.
so that you can login to more than one ftp server at once this could be helpfull if u want to download a file from one and put it onto another.
thnaks i will be writing a better commards list later this is just a temp.
i will be adding about 3 more commards or so and i will also make it so that you can have 255 ftp connections at once however do not see the point realy as no one could need that many.
edit: read button post it has the latest version on it and the plugin now has 255 connections
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