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The 20 Line Challenge / Gem Hunter

Dmitry K
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Joined: 14th Oct 2002
Location: Russia
Posted: 24th Mar 2003 08:23
Gem Hunter. There's no media, so you can copy and paste.

`Gem Hunter in 18 lines. By DMiTR0S
`Controls: Turn left - Left cursor key
`Turn right- Right cursor key

Randomize Timer() : Dim Properties#(102, 5) : Autocam Off : Set Text Font "Comic Sans MS" : Set Text Size 20
Set Text To Bold : Ink RGB(0,255,0), 0 : Color Backdrop RGB(0,0,0) : Make Object Box 101, 30.0, 1.0, 20.0 : Make Object Box 102, 30.0, 1.0, 20.0
Position Object 101, 10.0, 60.0, 100.0 : Position Object 102, -240.0, 60.0, 100.0 : Make Object Sphere 2000, 6.0 : Color Object 2000, RGB(6,255,0) : Set Object Collision To Boxes 2000
Position Object 2000, 10.0, 65.0, 100.0 : Position Camera -105.0, 100, -100.0 : Make Light 1 : Position Light 1, -105.0, 100, -100.0 : Point Light 1, 0.0,0.0,0.0
Hide Mouse : For I=1 To 10 : Properties#(I*10, 1)=-1.0^Rnd(2) : Properties#(I*10, 2)=Rnd(20) : Properties#(I*10, 3)=(Rnd(50))/50.0
For N=1 To 10 : Num=(I-1)*10+N : Make Object Box Num, 20.0, 1.0, 20.0 : Position Object Num, 0.0-I*21.0, 0.0+(N-1)*20.0+Properties#(I*10, 2), 100.0 : Make Object Sphere 1000+Num, 8.0, 2.0, 4.0
Set Object Collision To Boxes 1000+Num : Position Object 1000+Num, 0.0-I*21.0, 0.0+(N-1)*20.0+Properties#(I*10, 2), 100.0 : Color Object Num, Rgb(Rnd(255), Rnd(255), Rnd(255)) : Color Object 1000+Num, Rgb(255, Rnd(255), Rnd(255)) : Ghost Object On 1000+Num
Properties#(Num, 4)=(1+Rnd(4))*10 : Properties#(Num, 5)=Properties#(I*10, 2) : Next N : Next I : Sync Rate 60
Sync On : Do : For I=1 To 10 : For N=1 To 10 : Num=(I-1)*10+N
NewY#=Object Position Y(Num)+(Properties#(I*10, 3)*Properties#(I*10, 1)) : If NewY# > 200.0 : NewY#=0.0 : EndIf : If NewY# 1000 And Obj 0 And Obj 200.0 Or Object Position Y(2000)
Dmitry K
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Joined: 14th Oct 2002
Location: Russia
Posted: 24th Mar 2003 08:24
Didn't work.

D Man
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Posted: 24th Mar 2003 08:38
Cool game .

"If you can't make it good
make it look good."
Bill Gates
Dmitry K
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Joined: 14th Oct 2002
Location: Russia
Posted: 24th Mar 2003 09:05
Note: Only works for DBPro!

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Joined: 1st Jan 2003
Location: United States
Posted: 24th Mar 2003 16:12
error: could not determin parrimeter type of 'obj 0' at line ten

Am I a butterfly dreaming I'm a man?
Or a bowling ball dreaming I'm a plate of samishi?
Never assume that what you see or feel is real.
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Joined: 13th Oct 2002
Location: Canada
Posted: 24th Mar 2003 17:54
ok now DB original compatible:

but... i dont know if my conversion is right for 1 thing cause i dont have dbpro...:

i have replaced that:

by that:

does it right?
Years of Service
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Joined: 27th Nov 2002
Posted: 24th Mar 2003 19:26
very good
my score : 3880 ^^

How many civilians is he going to kill ? I know that Bush will sit at God's left, next to Saddam.
Whisper Wind
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Posted: 7th Apr 2003 00:34
Great job! I couldn't collect some of the gems though, my ball passed through them. Is this supposed to happen? Keep up the good work!
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Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 7th Apr 2003 00:49
Very nice.

Gronda, Gronda
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Posted: 25th Apr 2003 05:27
4800 w00t

Conrad Brown
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Posted: 27th Apr 2003 03:24
That's cool, but I don't get it. Is there an end to this game, or do you have to commit suicide by jumping off the edge??? I just kept on moving backwards and forwards collecting gems without anything threatening my gem collecting until I got bored (and jumped off the edge - score 4270 by the way!).

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