1. Not in the way you mean. The H&L indicators are just image files--so you can't just change the font. You can, however, make your own .tga or .dds files to display.
2. Yes. You just have to erase the path to the "Lives Image" in the Global Script, under the Build Game dialog.
3. Yes, but only through scripting. And don't look at me when it comes to scripting.
4. There already is. Press "t"
5. Using NGins Icon Changer, yes. Find it here:
6. Yes, but you need to do a bit of scripting. Really, you'd just need to trigger a video in the loading page script, but it's simpler to use a story zone at the plr start marker on the next level.
7. Not particularly descriptive so it's hard to answer. If it has
anything to do with hands, you have to model it yourself. And don't ask TGC for them, there are
way too many problems with it. If you don't, then I have no idea what you mean. Please clarify.
8. Yes, in the Build Game dialog.
9. C-4?
10. Again, no idea what you mean. Clarify.
Evil has a new name.