Now as the project is still under development and I am working on improvement methods as much as i can,i found that a database was needed.Soon ill add a database add-on wich is NOT just has scripts in it in a fpimd format wich can be read by the Database viewer.
The database viewer ALSO isnt nessecary,the Database is an add-on wich you can download soon.
There is a contest going at:
Here are the details:
Official Script Contest Started.
All scripts added from now will participate in the contest,I will choose the 4 best scripts as what i think then voting may start,the one that gets the most votes wins and gets a place in the offline FPI-Magick Script Database.
Now the current version is attached,WITHOUT the databse,since the database is still WIP.For the Database (offline) i could use some scripters that can do FPI's
Master Mind
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