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PhaseMaster Gameing
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Posted: 22nd May 2006 04:51
hi im mking a game called geo-affect no its not suposed to be spelled geo-effect my web site is i need a few questions anserd real quick (1) dose anyone know of a good ai engine i can use cause the one with game creators to bad and (2) i dont know how to take screen shots yes i am new Vary new yes i am dumb vary) now ill post stuff about my game next time for real sorry if you read all this wanting to know about my game but for sure i sould have a back stroy to it soon

Wyatt Earp
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Posted: 22nd May 2006 17:09
All I can say is "Wow"

You are on your way to retardation.
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Posted: 22nd May 2006 18:06
I am going to repeat something that has been said ever since these forums were created... SHOWCASE MEANS SHOWING SOMETHING TO SHOW. IT DOES NOT MEAN POSTING USELESS THREADS SAYING THAT YOU ARE MAKING A GAME THAT WILL PROBABLY BE SCRAPPED AFTER A WEEK. Also if you are not using FPSC as your game engine then why the hell are you posting your crap here, and if you do not know how to take screenshots then why bother posting. There was no point in creating this thread. End of.

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Posted: 22nd May 2006 23:24 Edited at: 7th Jun 2006 17:34
I agree entirely with Opposing Force. DOn't be so stupid. We don't care about your game unless you have something to show.


Natflash Games
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Posted: 22nd May 2006 23:27 Edited at: 22nd May 2006 23:34
Quote: "Hi Phase Masterson Here,

Now im am making Vidoe Games and i need people to work on my staff from home job that pays depinding on what job you are doing and you must be over 16 i can let it side MAYBE if its a easy job but other wise im sticking to 16 and older i am a Game maker trying to Hit it big and ill pay you for ur time so you have nothing to lose easy jobs like testing and you give reviwes of what you think about it"

But how old are you?

Also its the same noob that created this:

Anyway I thought you were working at "macdonals"

And you mean to say you might make your game in 1 or 2 weeks, then why the hell are you posting here.

Visit to find out about my games.


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Posted: 22nd May 2006 23:46
Can I get fries with that?

Crazy Grandpa
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Posted: 23rd May 2006 06:38
ok look i dont really care what you say im posting my stuff and if you dont want to help me a lil then you dont post here all i asked for was a lil help

Geo-affect : a man part of a program called the hero program you are the last hope of all planets over the controll of the earthantins the planet you are now saving is a out post / resherch lab for a group called geo-E788 studying the planets on this planet

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Posted: 23rd May 2006 07:02 Edited at: 23rd May 2006 07:16
what weirds me out is the forum description states

Post your screen shots, maps, web sites and other cool FPSC related things here

yet theres a post that says to not post websites or companies. Why
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Posted: 23rd May 2006 07:20 Edited at: 23rd May 2006 07:22
Jaba, I disagree. If you read Rich’s post, it specifically says that a website isn’t what’s necessary. A website is a website, plain and simple. Rich said a website is fine if it links to something including any of the previous things—in other words, photos, demos and videos. Phase master’s website holds none of those things apart from some kind of picture of a “cover” of a game (which isn’t actually of any merit), and therefore isn’t appropriate for the Showcase board.

EDIT: I hate edits, Jaba. You really needed to delete your whole previous post and make me look like a loon?

Anyway, there is a reason for that. What Rich means is that if the website is totally relevant to FPSC and shows some form of media as stated above, it's fine. If not, then it isn't, plain and simple.

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Posted: 23rd May 2006 07:22
yes sir,
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Posted: 23rd May 2006 07:29 Edited at: 23rd May 2006 07:30

It's not as though I was being harsh, I was just saying that for the time being, the website is irrelevant to the showcase board. Did I come on too strong?

Anyway, time for some encouragement. Phase Master--Good to see your getting into FPSC. It's a tough yet enjoyable road, and you can really get some great results if you put in the effort. When you've got some things to show (screenshots (oh--to make them, press F12, they show up in your FPSC folder), videos, demos etc.), feel free to post them here. Best of luck.

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Posted: 23rd May 2006 07:34 Edited at: 23rd May 2006 07:41
no no lol you didnt come on strong lol no im just a simple humord 27 year old man from scotland, and i like to say things that seem well, unknowable, my meaning of what i may say or do may seem like you did something wrong but no im cool with it. The yes sir referance is just something i say when someone tells me something i missed no biggie

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Posted: 23rd May 2006 07:42
Heh, Jaba.

I didn't think you were being serious, just made some means for conversation. No need to go out of your way to tell me that it's all humor. That's fine .

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Posted: 23rd May 2006 07:46 Edited at: 23rd May 2006 07:47
its fine lad, but some reason I see that these forums need updating, rules have ben stated and updated but the forum descriptions havent these can seem confusing to new comers i believe.

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Posted: 23rd May 2006 07:55
I personally never actually read the forum descriptions.

That said, I agree somewhat. Sending partially mixed signals can be a little misleading, especially if that person does not speak English as a first language.

But again, it's still up to those people to read announcements like the one on this board. I suppose it's just a 50:50 topic, really.

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Posted: 23rd May 2006 09:51
What a strange conversation....

PhaseMaster, though for the most part your spelling is fine, you really need to learn how to use punctuation; I can't tell you where your sentence start and end.

In answer to your questions,
"PrtSc", "Print Screen" or F12 takes a screenshot
Quote: "dose anyone know of a good ai engine i can use cause the one with game creators to bad "

Do you mean you want a better engine, or better AI?


PhaseMaster Gameing
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Posted: 24th May 2006 00:51
i need graphics and AI engine like some thing to make "the bad guys" hunt you and because the fpsc people dont shoot you thats mainly the reason also the graphics is for making hills and a better looking game o and i dont like puting Qustion marks and stuff cause its the net no one spells right any way well most people any way look im new i really want to make video games but i dont want to have to fight with the people that im asking help from i like wanna make the next halo you know but i cant do that because yes im a noob<< big time i would just need alil help because if i can get help real quick i can make a good game instaed of a bad one {{{{{also how do i fix this lag because when i got the fpsc gmae it says nothing about lag any where at all anywhere on the box manual and or website}}}}

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Posted: 24th May 2006 01:47 Edited at: 24th May 2006 01:48
I'm too disgusted to respond. Possibly learn English and I will respond.

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Posted: 24th May 2006 07:08
but if your disgusted to respond why did you ?

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Posted: 24th May 2006 07:39

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Posted: 24th May 2006 07:40

Be nice to people and you may just reap the rewards of being nice and the values of freindships can give you more than any hatred can ever give.

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Posted: 24th May 2006 09:28

Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 24th May 2006 10:05
Quote: "i need graphics and AI engine like some thing to make "the bad guys" hunt you and because the fpsc people dont shoot you thats mainly the reason also the graphics is for making hills and a better looking game "

Become a coder, learn to texture and model

Quote: "i dont like puting Qustion marks and stuff cause its the net no one spells right any way well most people "

Most people on this forum spell right, and most of us are Kids

Quote: "yes im a noob"

News flash, Phasemaster states the obvious

Quote: "also how do i fix this lag because when i got the fpsc gmae it says nothing about lag any where at all anywhere on the box manual and or website"

Search the forums, this has been discussed a million times...

I don't think your dumb or retarded, you're just really, really lazy.


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Posted: 24th May 2006 14:41
I have to say, the lag comment is highly unfounded.

Does anything ever tell you anything like that? Does F.E.A.R tell you you'll have trouble playing the game on high on 128MB Video card? Of course not. A lot of things have la, FPSC is one of them. That said, there are things you can do to stop, or at least reduce lag. Search the forums.

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Posted: 24th May 2006 18:08
AE its not that he's lazy, he just like alot of people here are really new and they just want the support for an increadable product that they purchased for 50 dollors, the least they can get is an answer to there questions, since they do there part on purchasing the product they should be entitled to support.

but thats only my opinion see.

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PhaseMaster Gameing
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Posted: 25th May 2006 00:53
thank you jaba. jaba gets me.
look im not being mean to you why do you want to be all in my face about stuff i dont know some of this stuff i ask you then you guys post a bunch of stuff saying bad stuff about me but you dont want to just give me some feedback on what i ask gosh every day i get on here wanting to see what people said so i can make my game better but NO i get a ton of other stuff and i payed 80 some thing not 50

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Posted: 25th May 2006 01:04
yes its 80 something i think 83 if you buy the 2 packs with it, ill got to check, but like i said for a 50 dollor or 80 dollor program anyway, a person is entitled to support if they bought the product.

DID YOU KNOW ? THAT THE BINARY LANGUAGE 01000110010100000101001101000011011100100110010101100001011101000110111101110010 STANDS FOR FPSCREATOR ?

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Posted: 25th May 2006 01:51 Edited at: 25th May 2006 01:52
@PhaseMaster "Gameing":

hey why not use punctuations and capitals because i cant understand anything you are saying you know why you cant use proper grammar you payed 80 dollars NO shut up you piece of lard wah wah for you blahlablahlbalhlabalhlahllblalhlabllhlabblablabllhlbalhlHEEEEEH you are 8 years old get a life

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Posted: 25th May 2006 02:40
hes not the one who needs to realize a life, maeko, hes not showing his age through grammer my freind, its through the way he approaches people and frankly your the one acting like the 8 year old maeko so your one to talk Your post makes you seem so immature I think you need to get a life.

For his grammer, why do you persacute him due to his grammer function ? he may not be from america he may not be educated in the american language perfectly so why do you sit back and post wana be bad post\'s from behind your computer moniter ? why would you think doing this makes you look all cool ? it\'s the fact that many people here need to learn there matturety, look at me im not from america but I get by with my grammer just fine and im in my 20\'s ya know what not alot of people get to grow up learning perfect english.

So maybe he has built an unproffesional and unconvincing website ? were all here to show off what we want and get appluase and reviews from the members here, and by reviews I am talking about posotive\'s yes its good or no its not good, not (holly sh*** that sucks ass)

The admin arent here and i dont know why, but the moderators are here to keep this place clean, they are limited to what they can do but they deserve to be respected in anyway they can this means obeying what they say. So do as alot of people want and just keep a calm attitude to people, theres no reason for pathetic post\'s to thread starters that complain so much about there stuff.

Maybe they dont read the stickies well guess what did you notice that stickies are hard to be seen as stickies they look like regular posts and there titles dont explain anything about whats inside them, then theres the fact about the forum description looking different and is confusing to new commers because it looks as if they can post in here whatever they like to based to what the forum description says.

DID YOU KNOW ? THAT THE BINARY LANGUAGE 01000110010100000101001101000011011100100110010101100001011101000110111101110010 STANDS FOR FPSCREATOR ?

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Posted: 25th May 2006 03:07 Edited at: 25th May 2006 03:08
I am rubber you are glue.

Bah, fine. I'll tone my *sshole meter down.

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PhaseMaster Gameing
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Posted: 25th May 2006 03:52
look i still need free programs for grahics for my game and ai engine to run to chars more better they just sort of suk you see so in order to get the game done i need that stuff because i want to make a froest level to the game but i need TREES!! to i need like a moddel pack you know or the froest will look gay no hills no water no trees im not into programing you see thats why i got fpsc no programing needed (im sorry but if you cant understand what im saying im not the one whos dumb i can read this and get all of it)

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Posted: 25th May 2006 03:56
wait untill comes back up they have ab unch of files for this program even trees.

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Posted: 25th May 2006 04:10
The trees dont work in Build Game mode though.

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Posted: 25th May 2006 04:14
oh ? oh well, well i dont use them anyway, why dont they work in build mod ?

DID YOU KNOW ? THAT THE BINARY LANGUAGE 01000110010100000101001101000011011100100110010101100001011101000110111101110010 STANDS FOR FPSCREATOR ?

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Posted: 25th May 2006 04:18
I don't know, they lose their texture.. Somehow... I use the trees in the Demo model pack in the Free Stuff sticky.

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PhaseMaster Gameing
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Posted: 25th May 2006 04:36
so i go there and theres free and good stuff to buy?

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Posted: 25th May 2006 04:39
all free

DID YOU KNOW ? THAT THE BINARY LANGUAGE 01000110010100000101001101000011011100100110010101100001011101000110111101110010 STANDS FOR FPSCREATOR ?

PhaseMaster Gameing
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Posted: 25th May 2006 04:44
o good

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Posted: 25th May 2006 05:07
The only thing to buy is the Pro FPSF HUD pack.

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Posted: 25th May 2006 09:56
Phase Master Gaming:

Can i ask why you want a different engine, yet you're posting about it in the showcase forum? (Notice punctuation) You're saying FPSC has crap graphics and bad AI in its own forum! Thats like saying "Hilter is gay" when you're in Berlin. I suggest searching on google. What makes FPSC so popular (apart from no coding) is the price. You won't find any free engine as good or better than FPSC. Natflash has just announced an AI pack to improve the behaviour of enemies. It look really good.

Oh and someone fixed Sunflash's tree pack so i works.

In the mean time...
Please take a look at this, we would all appreciate it


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Posted: 25th May 2006 16:24
Quote: "look i still need free programs for grahics for my game and ai engine to run to chars more better they just sort of suk you see so in order to get the game done i need that stuff"

If you're looking for a free program that makes your games for you, with great graphics and AI, I don't know of any.

If you are willing to put a little effort into learning scripting, modeling, and game design, then you already have the engine you need.

Crazy Grandpa
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Posted: 25th May 2006 16:32
its i dont want a differnt engine to build my game i need some just to make them smarter is all and the grafics are ok but no hills n stuff

PhaseMaster Gameing
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Posted: 25th May 2006 16:39
also i need a link to any thing if anyone finds something

PhaseMaster Gameing
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Posted: 25th May 2006 16:44
also i cant get on

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Posted: 25th May 2006 16:46 Edited at: 25th May 2006 16:47
also use the edit button.

I believe it is

Crazy Grandpa
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Posted: 25th May 2006 19:12
You can make hills you know...

there's even a landscape pack with hills! (search models and media)


PhaseMaster Gameing
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Posted: 26th May 2006 02:29 Edited at: 26th May 2006 02:30
ok thank you ill use the edit button but, mmmm do you know where i can upload a demo of my game. like mmm file hosting to where i can give a link so people can download it and, im making online games cause i love playing with other people cause people think and any more ai in games suk i run up on halo and smash there face. in do you know how to make swords in fpsc cause i need like a knife. i am i real noob and im alil lazy but where can i find stuff on how to moddel and program. i went to the fps-files its nothing

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Posted: 26th May 2006 14:17
Ok, Phasemaster--first things first.

Uploading: Easiest uploading site on the internet, and it's free.

"Swords": You have to realise that modelling is difficult. It requires skill, thought, and experience to make something that is remotely resonable. Things like Anim8or (which is free) can be a good start--then you can move up to things like Milkshape and such. Googling any of those programs will yield both the company websites and tutorials.
Making them FPSC ready is another matter. It's difficult. You could use "Weapon Creator" (haven't been keeping track of it, but it's in one of the boards, probably Models/Media), otherwise you'll be in the dark as far as that goes.

FPS-Files: Hm, I believe FPS-Files is down at the moment, thoug I may be wrong.

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PhaseMaster Gameing
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Posted: 28th May 2006 14:12
ok hmmm im not where to look about my lag problems its really going to suk when people play my game

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Posted: 28th May 2006 16:11
Search the FPSC Chat forums, lag issues are usually discussed there


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