This is 15 lines of code simulating traffic movement in a city environment using the Dark AI expansion. So if you dont have Dark AI, this wont work.
There is no collision on the cars. They just travel about the city of thier own free will. They will travel the streets towards thier destination, turning corners at intersections.
This was a test of AI traffic using the Dark AI. Although this doesnt work all that bad, Dark AI is rather limted for car based AI.
It runs at about 30fps on my machine but if you remove the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th "AI Add Obstacle Vertex" lines of code, it will run at about 60fps but the cars will not turn corners as well.
Unzip the attached zip file (189k zip, 200k uncompressed... not including the source), load the project and press F5.
Have fun!