Hexagon 2 is very fast compare to other modellers, it holds a lot more polygons without dropping the frame rate or reverting to wireframe, same could not be said about Cinema 4D, its a lot faster to model as well and it contains some features C4D doesn't, however Cinema 4D can animate and render, so Hexagon 2 complements C4D quite nicely in my opinion.
Out of the 4 famous speed models;
I think Silo and Zbrush would be the better ones, although Silo 2 cannot paint like Hexagon 2, but its much more stable and its easier to go into more detail (So I've heard) and Zbrush is the king of those type of modellers, however it is the most expensive, and very unique in the way it 3D models (And the name is a clue to of as how)
But at the price Daz 3D are Selling Hexagon 2 at (until tomorrow) its pretty awesome in what it does, once the bugs are straightened out, there will be no reason for Hexagon to be a preferred tool
夢の海に目覚めること - Into the sea of waking dreams - I am by John Clare