I had wondered, but not tried, of the idea of loading a normal DBP plugin, using the dbLoadDLL function because we all know that DBP plugins have three functions which are normally called by the DBPro system automatically (Constructor, Destructor and ReceiveCoreDataPtr) Now, I'm not sure if the dbLoadDLL function will automatically test for these three functions, and call them before returning control to you. Even if they are not called, you can very well setup three function pointers in C++, and manually call them yourself before calling any of the normal plugin functions. Defining a header file with the function pointer typedefs etc.
My guess is that if you manually call ReceiveCoreDataPtr yourself, passing the GlobalPtr object from DGDK, it may just work.
[EDIT[ Disregard all that, it won't work.. (obviously). because of the dependencies required by the plugin for calling the normal DBP function infrastructure.
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