I've learned that FPSC has a small workspace for a reason- it just can't handle a large level framerate and loading time wise. I've played plenty of five level games from this forum that while waiting for a level to load I've had time to go to the bathroom , wash my hands, fix a sandwich, eat it, crack a brew, drink 3/4 of it, then start playing the next level. It works if you have other things to do, but noone really want to wait that long for loading times. Here are some suggestions for cutting down load times.
1.only use 1/4 of the workspace provided; 1/3 if yu must.
2. divide your large level into sections that you no longer need to return to. This way your load times are cut down drasticly.
I made a level thatalmost filled the area-my god its load time was atrocious. I then didvided it up into 3 sections and the load times are extremely quick. This is just my opinion but I'de rather deal with multiple short load times than huge load times with framerate lagging levels. I find in order to do anything in this engine you must build the game around its strengths and weaknesses.
JEEZ!You people just STFU! You waste more space complaining about people wasting space than the people your bashing! Man, I thought I had no life.