Higgins is correct.
Different companies have various official responses to anything released into the public areana that might be said to be an infringement of their interlectual property rights or that bring their company or products into disrepute or cause the company or its products to be viewed in any way as reflecting badly upon that company and its products which might say result in a loss of revenue or bad publicity. That includes things like quality and reliability of a company or its products. Thats why many companies pay out a great deal of money to ensure their company and products are seen to be both and why they have licenses for developers so that such are approved and a company has some control of what is distributed to the public domain seen as being in any way associated with them.
It legal nightmare and the only way to know for sure is to ask and take any measures necessary to ensure you meet with their conditions if any, otherwsie you are getting into hot water and may infringe their rights.
It matters not, whether or not you make any money from your endeavours - as what you do could still impact on a companies credibility or performance in the public arena.
So the best advice to anyone here thinking of such endeavours is to do it right or not at all.
We dont want any infringements of any kind of copyrights at the forum.