I can give a generic template to start with, but without knowing what the actual data is that your trying to save, I can't write it specifically.
Open To Write 1,"SavedGame.ini"
` Write commands go here
Close File 1
Once you have determined what the saved game data is, you will have to use the WRITE commands to store the data in the file. To know which type is suited for the data, look under the commands help in the editor. (ie. Write Byte 1, variable, Write Word 1, variable, Write Long, variable, ect., ect.)
To read the file data into the program, just use the Open To Read, and any of the READ commands to get the data. Make sure you read them in the same order they were written.
You can use the Skip Bytes and Read/Write Byte To/From File to edit or read certain elements as well. This is done after the file was initally created though.
To help you with your text and image problem, I need to see a code snippet or a source file. This way I can see what your doing and I might be able to spot your problem.