load object "testmapx1.x",101
sc_setupComplexObject 101,1,2
position object 101,0,0,0
load object "testmap2.x",102
sc_setupComplexObject 102,1,2
position object 102,0,0,16000
load object "orccamp1.x",100
sc_setupComplexObject 100,1,2
position object 100,0,1,7010
using this code for collision check
collide = sc_SphereCastGroup(1,oldx#,oldy#,oldz#,oldx#,oldy#+vy#,oldz#,radius#,1)
DBP 1.06 ver, modest computer with latest drivers, windows xp....
my problem is that the second map section is not being picked up by the collision system, both objects 100 & 101 work perfectly as intended(great dll btw), when player reaches 102 they just fall through...
any (positive) suggestions greatly appreciated...