alright. I have decided to try my luck with a tpc one more time. I am having a problem. DBP doesnt recognize the functions. Here is the resource file,and the dbp file:
#include "dllmain.cpp"
1, "fOpen File%SL%uOpenFile%"
2, "fClose File%L%uCloseFile%"
3, "fCreateFile%SL%uCreateFile%"
4, "New Line%L%uNewLine%"
5, "fWrite In File%LS%uWriteString%"
6, "Get File Size%L%uGetFileSize%"
7, "Remove File%S%uRemoveFile%"
8, "fRename File%SS%uRenameFile%"
sync on
sync rate 30
if file exist("Text2.txt")
fopen "Text2.txt",1
fCreateFile "Text2.txt",1
if file exist("Text3.txt")
fopen "Text3.txt",2
fCreateFile "Text3.txt",2
fWrite in file 1,"This is a string table test"
New Line 1
fwrite in file 1,"This is a string table test new line!"
fclose file 1
fclose file 2
It may be because I don't use the dllimport method,where you use dllimport in the dll.h file, and include the dll.h with the resource file. But, I don't think so.
all ben needs is his band,his guitar,and his computer