Looks pretty good, but there are some irritants...
Like the leaves on the ground, they're too big, and too colourful - believe it or not but a really muted, or even greyscale detail texture on a terrain is best - let's you control shading and lighting with the colour map.
Take that WW2 German outside please, we've seen him in too many games, he should be put to death immedietly.
Heck there's a ninja with DBPro, never see him anymore - what's wrong with a ninja FPS for a change!
Keep it up though, looks like the beginnings of a decent FPS, the media is looking cool (excl' Hans), and it looks like your implimenting physics as well. I think maybe a little change in theme would help, because it does look like a lot of DBPro projects, why not leave the water effect for now and set the scene somewhere unusual, like a Swiss ski resort, something we never get to see in FPS games these days is a decent cable-car sniper fight.
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