Hey everyone,
I was recently reading through the code examples on the MatEdit website(I know they are for DBC but there are some great tips on there that apply for both) and found a code for camera rotation when the user moves the mouse.
Now, pasting and learning this code has meant I can now do this, but what I dont understand is the rotation aspect of it...
cx# = wrapvalue(cx# + mousemovey())
cy# = wrapvalue(cy# + mousemovex())
rotate camera cx#,cy#,cz#
Now, why are we checking the movement of the Y axis movement on the mouse for the X rotation value of the camera... And vice versa...?
When I switch it round and put mousemovementx() for cx# the camera movement is totally wrong, so obviously there is something I am missing and just not understanding here about why we have to check the oposite axis when talking about the mouse...