Game screenshot of tub&shower and editor screenshot.
Like to use this model and not sure how to fix this.
The TubnShower.fpe
desc = TubnShower
aiinit = Appear1.fpi
aimain = Default.fpi
aidestroy = Disappear1.fpi
spawnmax = 0
spawndelay = 0
spawnqty = 0
model = TubnShower.x
offx = 0
offy = 0
offz = 0
rotx = 0
roty = 0
rotz = 0
scale = 100
defaultstatic = 1
materialindex = 1
collisionmode = 2
strength = 0
textured = TubnShower.tga
effect = effectbank\bump\bump.fx
castshadow = 0