Quote: "Pretty good game. I like it. I'm a big fan of platformers. Controls were kind of hard but I got used to it.
Two bad things... (sorry )
1. There should be maybe a shadow below him. Mine needs one too but I don't know how yet
2. I fell through at some points in the level.
Great start, keep it up. Here's a screenshot"
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. The shadow shouldn't be a major problem, I'll fix it right away. Very good idea, by the way, I haven't thought about it at all!
And about that problem were you fell through the boxes, did you fall through them while standing on them, or did you jump to a box and fall through, altough you were standing on its edge?
In case it's like the latest alternative, the problem could be that the player doesn't fall down if he is inside the cubes area, but I could make that calculation different so the player needs to be inside the cube's area+plus some more.
@The crazy
It isn't so complicated; I just created like 50 plains, made the spin like crazy, and then let them slowly fall down:
For x = 407 to 457
make object plain x,0.5,0.5
Color object x,rgb(208,208,0)
Position object x,0,rnd(10)-20,0
position object x,object position X(key#)+rnd(20)-10,rnd(10),object position Z(key#)+rnd(20)-10
Next x
For x = 407 to 457
Position object x,object position X(x),object position Y(x)-0.1,object position Z(x)
If object position Y(x)<=-5 then position object x,object position X(key#)+rnd(20)-10,10,object position Z(key#)+rnd(20)-10
Set object to camera orientation x
rotate object x,rnd(360),rnd(360),rnd(360)
Next x
I don't know if that code snippet makes sense, but it may answer your question?
My name, Stora_tomtefar, means "Big santa claus" in swedish.