Ok...let me look for the code snippet for it. It's a great piece of code developed by Jessticular.
Here it is, hope it helps.
`Generic Startup functions`
Sync On
Sync Rate 0
Autocam off
Set Window On
`Declare Misc constant (these are required by the fuctions below so remember them at
` the beginning of your programs)
#Constant NULL 0
` Here's the command that does it all, it will make either a save or a open window`
`Ok lets go from the start here:
` 'File$=' ok so this is the variable that will store the filename of what you have
` saved or opened
` The next bit is the file types, you describe what type of files you want to open/save
` e.g. Jpeg Files ( *.jpg )
` then you give the file types themselves you just write, |*.fth| with the fth
` replaced with the file type
` e.g. |*.jpg|
`Next we have a string holding the file path the window will be at by default`
`e.g. "C:\Program Files\"
`Then we have the title at the top of the window
`Dont worry about that bit
` Whether the window is for save or open is dictated by the number at the end of the
` function call if it is 1 it means open, if it is 0 it means save
file$ = _open_save("Bitmap Files ( *.Bmp )|*.Bmp| Jpeg Files ( *.jpg )|*.jpg|","C:\","Open File","pei",1)
While InKey$() <> "q"
Text 0,0,file$
` The Functions `
Function _open_save(filter As String,initdir As String,dtitle As String,defext As String,open As Boolean)
`filter = "Text Documents ( *.txt )|*.txt|All Files ( *.* )|*.*|"
`initdir = "C:\"
`dtitle = "Open ~ Test"
`defext = "txt"
`open = 1 For Open Dialogu, 0 for save dialogue
`Get DLL numbers
user32 As Integer
comdlg32 As Integer
`Load in required DLL's
user32 = _find_fee_dll()
Load DLL "user32.dll",user32
comdlg32 = _find_fee_dll()
Load DLL "comdlg32.dll",comdlg32
`Get handle ( unique ID ) to the calling ( this ) window
hwnd As DWord
hwnd = Call DLL(user32,"GetActiveWindow")
`Unload DLL as it is no longer needed
Delete DLL user32
`Get the Memblock Number
OPENFILENAME = _find_free_mem()
`Make The Memblock containing the OPENFILENAME structure
`Get the pointer to the just created Structure
lpofn As DWord
lpofn = Get MemBlock Ptr(OPENFILENAME)
`Write all the info to the Structure for the API call to handle it.
RemStart : C++ Structure Lay-out
typedef struct tagOFN {
DWORD lStructSize;
HWND hwndOwner;
HINSTANCE hInstance;
LPCTSTR lpstrFilter;
LPTSTR lpstrCustomFilter;
DWORD nMaxCustFilter;
DWORD nFilterIndex;
LPTSTR lpstrFile;
DWORD nMaxFile;
LPTSTR lpstrFileTitle;
DWORD nMaxFileTitle;
LPCTSTR lpstrInitialDir;
LPCTSTR lpstrTitle;
DWORD Flags;
WORD nFileOffset;
WORD nFileExtension;
LPCTSTR lpstrDefExt;
LPARAM lCustData;
LPCTSTR lpTemplateName;
#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500)
void * pvReserved;
DWORD dwReserved;
DWORD FlagsEx;
#endif // (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500)
`Declare temp variables to hold data for OPENFILENAME structure
size As Integer
filebuffer As String
filebufferptr As DWord
flags As DWord
filter = filter + "|"
initdir = initdir + "|"
dtitle = dtitle + "|"
defext = defext + "|"
filebuffer = "|" + Space$(255) + "|"
filebufferptr = _get_str_ptr(filebuffer)
flags = 0x00001000 || 0x00000004 || 0x00000002
size = 0
Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,0,76 : `lStructSize
Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,4,hwnd : `hwndOwner
`Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,8,NULL : `hInstance
Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,12,_get_str_ptr(filter) : `lpstrFilter
`Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,16,0 : `lpstrCustomFilter
`Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,20,NULL : `nMaxCustFilter
Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,24,1 : `nFilterIndex
Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,28,filebufferptr : `lpstrFile
Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,32,256 : `nMaxFile
`Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,36,0 : `lpstrFileTitle
`Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,40,NULL : `nMaxFileTitle
Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,44,_get_str_ptr(initdir) : `lpstrInitialDir
Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,48,_get_str_ptr(dtitle) : `lpstrTitle
Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,52,flags : `Flags
`Write MemBlock Word OPENFILENAME,56,NULL : `nFileOffset
`Write MemBlock Word OPENFILENAME,58,NULL : `nFileExtension
Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,60,_get_str_ptr(defext) : `lpstrDefExt
`Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,64,NULL : `lCustData
`Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,68,NULL : `lpfnHook
`Write MemBlock DWord OPENFILENAME,72,0 : `lpTemplateName
`Call the Command to open the dialouge
retval As DWord
If open
retval = Call DLL(comdlg32,"GetOpenFileNameA",lpofn)
retval = Call DLL(comdlg32,"GetSaveFileNameA",lpofn)
`Check if it was sucecfull
If retval <> 0
code$ = _get_str(filebufferptr,256)
retval = Call DLL(comdlg32,"CommDlgExtendedError")
Select retval
Case 0xFFFF : code$ = "The dialog box could not be created. The common dialog box function's call to the DialogBox function failed. For example, this error occurs if the common dialog box call specifies an invalid window handle." : EndCase
Case 0x0006 : code$ = "The common dialog box function failed to find a specified resource." : EndCase
Case 0x0004 : code$ = "The ENABLETEMPLATE flag was set in the Flags member of the initialization structure for the corresponding common dialog box, but you failed to provide a corresponding instance handle." : EndCase
Case 0x0002 : code$ = "The common dialog box function failed during initialization. This error often occurs when sufficient memory is not available." : EndCase
Case 0x000B : code$ = "The ENABLEHOOK flag was set in the Flags member of the initialization structure for the corresponding common dialog box, but you failed to provide a pointer to a corresponding hook procedure." : EndCase
Case 0x0008 : code$ = "The common dialog box function failed to lock a specified resource." : EndCase
Case 0x0003 : code$ = "The ENABLETEMPLATE flag was set in the Flags member of the initialization structure for the corresponding common dialog box, but you failed to provide a corresponding template." : EndCase
Case 0x0007 : code$ = "The common dialog box function failed to load a specified string." : EndCase
Case 0x0001 : code$ = "The lStructSize member of the initialization structure for the corresponding common dialog box is invalid." : EndCase
Case 0x0005 : code$ = "The common dialog box function failed to load a specified string." : EndCase
Case 0x3003 : code$ = "The buffer pointed to by the lpstrFile member of the OPENFILENAME structure is too small for the file name specified by the user. The first two bytes of the lpstrFile buffer contain an integer value specifying the size, in TCHARs, required to receive the full name." : EndCase
Case 0x0009 : code$ = "The common dialog box function was unable to allocate memory for internal structures." : EndCase
Case 0x3002 : code$ = "A file name is invalid." : EndCase
Case 0x000A : code$ = "The common dialog box function was unable to lock the memory associated with a handle." : EndCase
Case 0x3001 : code$ = "An attempt to subclass a list box failed because sufficient memory was not available." : EndCase
Case Default : code$ = "WHOOPS!" : EndCase
Delete DLL comdlg32
EndFunction code$
Function _get_str_ptr(pstr As String)
`pstr$ should be a "|" ( NULL ) seperated string.
memnum As Integer
strlen As Integer
char As Byte
memptr As DWord
strptr As DWord
memnum = _find_free_mem()
strlen = Len(pstr)
Make MemBlock memnum,strlen
For i = 1 To strlen
If Mid$(pstr,i) = "|"
char = 0
char = Asc(Mid$(pstr,i))
Write MemBlock Byte memnum,(i - 1),char
Next i
memptr = Get MemBlock Ptr(memnum)
strptr = Make Memory(strlen)
Copy Memory strptr,memptr,strlen
Delete MemBlock memnum
EndFunction strptr
Function _get_str(strptr As DWord,strsize As Integer)
`strptr is the pointer returned by _get_str_ptr()
`strsize is the Integer length of the string specified by the pointer
memnum As Integer
memptr As DWord
str As String
char As String
memnum = _find_free_mem()
Make MemBlock memnum,strsize
memptr = Get MemBlock Ptr(memnum)
Copy Memory memptr,strptr,strsize
For i = 1 To strsize
str = str + Chr$(MemBlock Byte(memnum,i - 1))
Next i
EndFunction str
Function _find_fee_dll()
retval = 0
Inc retval
Until DLL Exist(retval) = 0
EndFunction retval
Function _find_free_mem()
retval = 0
Inc retval
Until MemBlock Exist(retval) = 0
EndFunction retval
M.I.A is pending