Let me state my problem: I cant move my object on the z-axis plane. ive tried many solutions into fixing the problem and still the same results, the object will not move. Here is my code.
sync on
hide mouse
rem load Ship texture
load image "Media\crono782.jpg", 2
rem load ship
load object "Media\fighter1.3ds", 1
texture object 1, 2
yrotate object 1, -180
scale object 1, 500,500,500
Make matrix 1, 100000, 100000, 100, 100
position matrix 1, -10000,0,-1000
rem position camera
position camera 100, 1000, -1000
point camera 0,0,0
yrotate camera 0
if upkey()=1 then
position object 1, -700, 100, player#=player#+1
if downkey()=1 then
position object 1, -700, 100, 40
if escapekey() = 1 then
position object 1, -700, 100, player#
It is a little messy as i have been moving code around trying to get object 1 to move. Can i get some help moving this object?
PS: the matrix is there to help keep me know where 0 is on the y-axis
All if Fair in love and war...unless your fighting a woman, then your screwed....