ok, i finished the paramedic/Doctor, i decided to give him that 'old experienced doc' type look, half bald
you'll also notice he is wearing a NHS looking uniform, alot of paramedic sesarches proved this uniform to be quite common, so i hope ya like it
i played around with the ambience in max, and actually pulled off a better render, looks pretty cool
(notice the overall brightness and radiosity, all my previous renders were in full black ambience, lol)
well anyway, hope you guys like, i will be making a medic bag for this guy to carry, and hopefully a script to heal you
(not trying to do a rip off bond, i guess we just both had the same ideas, when this medic idea was suggested ages ago, i could know at that time it would be good to make a script so he heals you)
tell me what ya think!
Vol.2 coming this summer