Ok, Right now, I have been working on a 3rd person character to use in your games. The person is actually a weapon, but once it is aligned correctly, it will look like a 3rd person character. So far everything is working great, but the only problem is that I do not know how to align the model. As you can see in the screen shot, they characters feet are the only thing that can be seen.
Heres the GunSpec:
;Guy with gun weapon spec
;GUN Model File Requirements
;GUN Settings
muzzleflash = 0
muzzlesize = 0
brass = 1
smoke = 1
second = 1
damage = 25
damagetype = 1
scorchtype = 0
reloadqty = 6
iterate = 0
accuracy = 2
;GUN Visuals
textured = gun_D2.dds
effect = effectbank\BumpCubeReflectAlpha\BumpCubeReflectAlpha.fx
transparency = 2
weapontype = 1
;GUN Sounds
sound1 = fire.wav
sound2 = reload.wav
sound3 = dryfire.wav
sound4 = cock.wav
sound5 =
fireloop = 0
;HUD muzzleflash position
horiz = 0
vert = 0
forward = 0
alignx = 0
aligny = 0
alignz = 0
;HUD animation frames list
keyframe ratio = 1
select = 0,9
Idle = 10,38
Move = 39,53
fire = 54,63
reload = 64,88
cock = 89,101
putaway = 102,111
;HUD sound frames list
soundframes = 3
sframe0 = 54,1
sframe1 = 64,2
sframe2 = 91,4