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The 20 Line Challenge / Superpong!

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Location: Netherlands
Posted: 2nd Apr 2003 20:14 Edited at: 2nd Apr 2003 20:23
This is my first real program. I've made a 20 line version of it. It's quiet easy: it's just pong! The only good thing of the game I think is the enemys inteligens

Download the compiled version from
cls:hide mouse:sync on:sync rate 60:do:repeat:cls rgb(100,100,100):ink rgb(255,255,255),1:print "choose level between 1 and 10":input level#:until level# => 1 and level# = 0.0:enemyspeed#=0.0-enemymove#:endif
if playery# 480.0-levelline# then playery#=480.0-levelline#
if enemyy# 380.0 then enemyy#=380.0
if bally# 465.0 then ballyspeed# = 0.0-ballyspeed#
sprite player,playerx#,playery#,player:sprite enemy,enemyx#,enemyy#,enemy:sprite ball,ballx#,bally#,ball
if sprite collision(player,ball):ballxspeed#=0.0+(abs(ballxspeed#)+ballinc#)
random#=(rnd(10)-5)/10.0:ballyspeed#=ballyspeed# + (playerspeed/2) + random#:score=score+1:endif
if sprite collision(enemy,ball):ballxspeed#=0.0-(abs(ballxspeed#)+ballinc#):random#=(rnd(10)-5)/10.0:ballyspeed#=ballyspeed# + (enemyspeed/2) + random#:endif
sync:until ballx# > 640.0 or ballx#

We're all Christ and we're all Hitler.We want Christ to win.What would he've done if he had advertisements, T.V. and newspapers?The miracle today is communication.So let's use it.-John Lennon '69
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2003 20:15
Stupid forum!


We're all Christ and we're all Hitler.We want Christ to win.What would he've done if he had advertisements, T.V. and newspapers?The miracle today is communication.So let's use it.-John Lennon '69
Hamish McHaggis
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2003 17:53
Good start, Is the computer actually beatable?

Why the hell'd you ask me for crying out loud!?!
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Location: Netherlands
Posted: 3rd Apr 2003 18:05
Yes it is! I Beat him many times The thing I don't like it that the computer go from y=0 to y=5 witch gives no smooth result... Does anybody can make that smooth, I don't know how it has to be done...

We're all Christ and we're all Hitler.We want Christ to win.What would he've done if he had advertisements, T.V. and newspapers?The miracle today is communication.So let's use it.-John Lennon '69
Hamish McHaggis
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Location: Modgnik Detinu
Posted: 3rd Apr 2003 18:28
curvevalue makes changes smooth

Why the hell'd you ask me for crying out loud!?!
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Location: Netherlands
Posted: 4th Apr 2003 19:32
I'm making a better version of it, but can't figure out why the ball won't bounce:

If good programmer()=1 then print "Finaly I get to the top "
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Posted: 5th Apr 2003 15:41
I've smoothed the movement and made it easyer to win... I also made the bal realy look like a bal (it's round ) Here's the code

If good programmer()=1 then print "Finaly I get to the top "
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Posted: 7th Apr 2003 16:55
Nobody likes the game

Maybe it needs a bit more action! I think I'm gonna make 'misions'

If good programmer()=1 then print "Finaly I get to the top "
Hamish McHaggis
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Joined: 13th Dec 2002
Location: Modgnik Detinu
Posted: 7th Apr 2003 19:03
Its good, but its been done before . Yeah, maybe add something that is a bit different and you'll attract more people (post it in a new post or no-one will look).

Why the hell'd you ask me for crying out loud!?!

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