I would make you have to buy two cds to get the *enhanced*(full) version of a program..
I would make a really really, really bad product to easily click and make 3d games that tarnish the entire community name, but would fool newbs and small children to beg their parents into buying it...
I'd create program where an object may be rotated except the z axis would be the world axis unlike the others, and not allow this option to be changed...
I would make midis loopable, but make it so there is an audible silence inbetween loops..
I would make mp3s load entirely into memory, instead of streaming, with no option to change this
I would make a command to increase a variable, except I wouldn't allow this command to be used with arrays!
oh wait...it's already been done.......
(sorry i just couldnt resist^_^, I know I know...it was in poor taste....)