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Geek Culture / Remember me?

Years of Service
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Joined: 10th Oct 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 10th Oct 2002 15:38
from the rgt forum. long time no see all of ya
Martyn Pittuck
Years of Service
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Joined: 27th Aug 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 10th Oct 2002 16:37
Hey, Welcome back

The Outside is a evil place to be, too much light, too much noise and too many distractions....
I went outside once and my FPS rate dropped to 5.
Ian T
Years of Service
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Joined: 12th Sep 2002
Location: Around
Posted: 10th Oct 2002 18:34
Never looked in those RGT forums more then thrice in their whole life, but nevertheless... welcome back!


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