That works. Cheers for the quick responce. One thing that seems a little odd to me though is how functions seem to work, at least in DBC. I ended up having the main menu in the main body, and near-enough duplicating it in a function (it just comes up as another "Runtime Error at Line blah,Program ran into a function declaration at line blah". Thought it was a little badly structured, or is this how DBC sets itself up? Probably better if I show you the code again.
rem SetUpVariables
Rem Menu
menu =0
center text 250,50, title$
center text 250,250, menu1$
center text 250,270, menu2$
center text 250,290, menu3$
if inkey$()= "1" then menu=1
if inkey$()= "2" then menu=2
if inkey$()= "3" then menu=3
until menu>0 and menu <=3
if menu=1 then print "START GAME:CODE ME ALREADY!"
if menu=2 then Instructions()
if menu=3 then end
Function MainMenu()
menu1$ = "1) Play Game"
menu2$ = "2) Instructions"
menu3$ = "3) Quit"
anger = 0
fear = 0
conscience = 0
keyboard$ = inkey$
menu =0
center text 250,50, title$
center text 250,250, menu1$
center text 250,270, menu2$
center text 250,290, menu3$
if inkey$()= "1" then menu=1
if inkey$()= "2" then menu=2
if inkey$()= "3" then menu=3
until menu>0 and menu <=3
if menu=1 then print "START GAME:CODE ME ALREADY!"
if menu=2 then Instructions()
if menu=3 then end
It hops back and forth from the Instructions function fine, but it seems odd that I cannot set a function right at the start; that I have to duplicate it as a function without having it as a function in the first place. Is this normal, or is this to encourage me to get BB Pro?