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Program Announcements / [LOCKED] Jordan Stories Menus 1.5

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Posted: 12th Jul 2006 17:45 Edited at: 14th Jul 2006 03:45
Jordan Stories Menus 1.5 a simple input output game that makes In-Game and Demo Menus. You can Load Images,Music, and FULLY customize your menus royalty free. Requires DarkBASIC to run.
And please build a file in myproj called MENUS for this program.


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Posted: 12th Jul 2006 20:16
I guess this is an improvement...
The menu is pretty good, (but the samplelogo1.bmp is missing)

You might want to post this in the Codebase or Codesnippets board instead, because that's where most things like this go.

This is pretty good except:

*You can't load images (besides the logo)
*You can't load music
*You can barely customize it besides the one logo

without totaly changing the code...

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Posted: 13th Jul 2006 23:08
Please post a screenshot or expect to have the thread locked. Thanks.

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Posted: 14th Jul 2006 02:56
I would if i knew how to do screenshots!
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Posted: 14th Jul 2006 03:10 Edited at: 14th Jul 2006 03:12
Quote: "
Jordan Stories Games Wrote:
I would if i knew how to do screenshots!

while playing the game press print screen then exit and open paint press control + v and its done. save and upload.

My forum is here:
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Posted: 14th Jul 2006 03:15
Print what? Confused!!

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Posted: 14th Jul 2006 03:39
the "prntscrn" button on your keyboard then open up mspaint or other program and paste then save and then you have a screenshot
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Posted: 14th Jul 2006 03:46
Okay thanks izaboo I got it!

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Posted: 14th Jul 2006 03:47 Edited at: 14th Jul 2006 03:48
Now I know how to take screens!

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Posted: 14th Jul 2006 06:29
I see a noob-slap coming along pretty soon.

Bizar Guy
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Posted: 14th Jul 2006 07:25
JSG, you see that little button on each of your posts that says EDIT? Press that and you can add or take away content from that post, stopping you from posting multiple times in a row & really getting on peoples nerves... I simply mean don't post more than once in a row. If you have more to say, just add it to your post unless someone else has already posted after you... The only aceptible time to double post is to bump a thread, or if for some reason you can't edit.

I've seen people critisize some truely amazing stuff here because the auther acidentaly posted multiple times time in a row, because they forgot to add something and the edit buttons weren't working.

And don't state the obvious, like that you know how to take screens now, if you already said it in your last post...

good luck with programing, your threads are becoming considerably better than before.

Underworld 1020
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Posted: 19th Jul 2006 13:56 Edited at: 19th Jul 2006 14:01
Also, if you need any help in creating your next release, feel free to contact me:

AIM: Underworld1020 (i'm only on AIM by appointment only )

I've helped a few DB newcomers over the past couple years, maybe I can help you too .

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Posted: 20th Jul 2006 02:48 Edited at: 20th Jul 2006 22:56
Does your help involve pinning them against the wall and shouting "Wake up to the real world!" , after which u repeatedly hit them over the head with a large plank of wood?

Coz if it does.... that would be awsome.

But seriously underworld... good work. I've tried to help newcomers in the 3D forum and its tough work... so keep it up.

Jordan stories games.. There is no harm in creating little text programs.... but its not realy a program announcements thing. practice a little more.

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Posted: 25th Jul 2006 14:14
it's harder (in my opinion) to learn to create a 3D mesh than it is to learn to write pidgin english...
Sonic 91 Software
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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 22:33
can i ask why everyone has been slating Jordan recently? (not necessarily in this thread). Maybe JSG is a noob, maybe not. but we were all there at some point and we have all been in the same situation (if this is still going on). all of us in TGC community have dreams of making huge, brilliant games. and we have all got a little carried away with it. is it alright for Jordan Stories Games to share their excitement and ambition with you? Because if not, then these forums are going to lose their "friendly" status. I'm willing to listen, OK Jordan?

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Posted: 24th Sep 2006 23:45
can i ask why you felt the need to bump this thread?

Sonic 91 Software
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Posted: 25th Sep 2006 00:52
because I read on another thread that some people were having trouble with Jordan and went to Jordans profile to see if I could find any other postings he made to see what all the trouble was about. by the time I read this one, I decided to add my own thoughts. No offence to the mods but don't you think Jeku sounded a bit strict too soon?
Quote: "Please post a screenshot or expect to have the thread locked. Thanks."

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Posted: 25th Sep 2006 01:15
No, this guy has posted numerous WIP threads, and posted "demos" which worked on nobody's pc but his, and was talking about charging about $50 for his games. This guy deserves all the harshness he gets before he shapes up, and produces something genuine

Uncle Sam
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Posted: 25th Sep 2006 02:29
You mean until he produces something.

Uncle Sam
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Posted: 25th Sep 2006 02:44
Quote: "No offence to the mods but don't you think Jeku sounded a bit strict too soon? "

No. I have given JSG several opportunities in his other threads to follow the rules. The RULES for this board state that you must show a screenshot. The "screenshot" JSG has shown in his first post was edited in AFTER I had requested the post.

Quote: "and we have all got a little carried away with it."

Speak for yourself. I don't understand when people say we ALL did this in the beginning, because that's just not true. Only a FEW members from this forum do this kind of a thing. We weren't ALL blatant rule-breakers to start off with.

And don't bump old threads.

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