10000 polys might be ok for static, but animated that file is gonna be huge!
I have to say I've given up on the demon thing... I got it animated and so on, but once i rendered it I realised that alot of the faces were flipped, and things kept on deforming in VERY strange ways. So I'm sorry I cant do it. But I really liked the model, so Im thinking, if it's alright, that I'll do a 'remix' and make a demon thing with spikes on its back, and you can have a copy free.
I'm loving the spider. I really think you have potential as a modeller, your monsters are very dark and creepy.
I wish we had a successful way of transfering files, cuz I'd love a play with that spider-boy.
My carnivore wraith originally had 4 legs, and I can tell you, getting it to walk in a scary way, and not like a retarded spider on amphetamines is a challenge!
If you drop me an email, I'll send you a human/mutant torso head and arms which you can use instead of your makehuman one, perhaps that'd help drop the poly count and make this useable?
"It's often better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're an idiot, than to open it and confirm their suspisions" - Noel Coward