I made a DLL with M$VC++6, and gave it the proper string table entries. I include it in my
#include "SSDLLT1.dll"
MESSAGE BOX "You are an idiot!"
MESSAGE BOX "Ha, haha, ha, ha ha ha,"
MESSAGE BOX "ahhha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"
rem Num# = SQUARE 8.35
rem sync : text 5,5,str$(Num#) : sync
wait key
program, and it used to say something like "Cannot identify parameter type on 'SQUARE 8.35'" so I commented those; now my Message Box function is almost exactly like the one in the example code except the name of the function and parameter are different. It still gives me "Cannot understand command on line 12" when line 12 is nonexistent.
Here's my DLL code:
// SSDLLT1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#define DBPCOM __declspec(dllexport)
DBPCOM void ssMsgBox(LPSTR sMsg)
MessageBox(NULL, sMsg, "SS DBP MsgBox", MB_OK);
DBPCOM DWORD ssSquar(float lpBase)
float fNum;
fNum = lpBase*lpBase;
return *(DWORD*)&fNum;
and the string table entries:
(this is just the caption of the two entries; they appear in a relative order to their function declarations)
So, to sum this post up...
what teh hecks goin on plz help
FunkyStickmen: Battle of the Races (1%)