It doesn't use the same syntax, but its the same basic concept.
L1 = whole note
L2 = half note
L4 = quarter note
L8 = 8th note
L16 = 16th note
The very first command must be tempo, "T" followed by a number.
T120 = tempo of 120bpm.
Next, comes the note data. Each note is preceeded by its length.
L2B4 = a half note of B4
Notes were matched with their frequencies using this page.
Original code by Ric and a few others, post can be found here.
What this code does exactly is writes all the notes to a single sound file. Until someone manages to figure out how to use different channels, only 1 note can be played at a time.
The song I put in for a demo is suppose to be moonlight sonata. But it doesn't sound like much without chords, since the intro is mostly the same 3 notes over and over with just a different bass note under it.
type NoteMapping
key as string
value as float
type Note
freq as float
length as float
dim notes(52) as NoteMapping
dim songData(0) as Note
for i = 1 to 52
read notes(i).key
read notes(i).value
next i
play sound 1
wait key
function parseSongData(song$)
start = _findIndex(song$,"L")-1
temp$ = left$(song$,start)
tempo = val(right$(temp$, len(temp$)-1))
song$ = right$(song$, len(song$)-start)
rem note_count = len(song$)/4 (excluding the T120)
r# = tempo/60.0
for i = 0 to len(song$)-4 step 4
L = val(subString$(song$,i+1,i+2))
k$ = subString$(song$,i+2,i+4)
length# = ((4.0/L)/r#)* 1000
freq# = getValue#(k$)
addNote(freq#, length#)
next i
rem length in seconds
function addNote(frequency#, length#)
array insert at bottom songData()
c = array count(songData())
songData(c).freq = frequency#
songData(c).length = length#
REM Returns a chunk of a whole string
REM startp = starting index (zero-based)
REM endp = ending index, exclusive
function subString$(s$ as string, startp as integer, endp as integer)
l = len(s$)
s$ = right$(s$,l-startp)
s$ = left$(s$, endp-startp)
endfunction s$
function _findIndex(s$,v$)
for i = 1 to len(s$)
if mid$(s$,i) = v$
exitfunction i
next i
l = len(s$)
endfunction l
function getValue#(key$)
v# = 0.0
for i = 1 to 52
if notes(i).key = key$ then v# = notes(i).value : break
next i
endfunction v#
function createMusic(soundnumber)
loudness# = 8000
bend# = 0
decay# = 10
vibratospeed# = 0
vibratodepth# = 0
tremelospeed# = 0
tremelodepth# = 0
attack# = 0
outWord as word
dword1 as dword: dword2 as dword: dword3 as dword: dword4 as dword
dword5 as dword: dword6 as dword: dword7 as dword
length# = 0.0
for i = 1 to array count(songData())
length# = length# + songData(i).length
next i
if memblock exist(1) then delete memblock 1
make memblock 1,samples*2+28
` write 28 memblock header bytes
dword1=1 ` gg query: is this the number of channels?
dword2=2 ` gg query: is this the number of bytes per sample?
dword3=22050 ` gg query: seems to be half the number of samples per second - why?
dword4=88200 ` gg query: is this the number of bytes per second?
dword5=4 ` gg query: what does this represent?
dword6=16 ` gg query: (ditto) ?
dword7=0 ` gg query: (ditto) ?
write memblock dword 1, position, dword1 : inc position,4
write memblock dword 1, position, dword2 : inc position,4
write memblock dword 1, position, dword3 : inc position,4
write memblock dword 1, position, dword4 : inc position,4
write memblock dword 1, position, dword5 : inc position,4
write memblock dword 1, position, dword6 : inc position,4
write memblock dword 1, position, dword7 : inc position,4
rem loop here
for i = 1 to array count(songData())
length# = songData(i).length
frequency# = songData(i).freq
samples = int((length#/1000)*44100)
rem generate and write wave
for x=1 to samples
if outInteger <-32767 then outInteger=-32767 ` gg query: is this the valid range?
if outInteger>32767 then outInteger=32767 ` gg query: (ditto) ?
outWord = outInteger
inc theta#,vibratospeed#
inc phi#,tremelospeed#
dec frequency#,bend#
if fallinloudness#<loudness#
inc fallinloudness#,decay#
if riseinloudness#>0
dec riseinloudness#,attack#
write memblock word 1, position, outWord : inc position,2
next x
next i
if sound exist(soundnumber)=1 then delete sound soundnumber
make sound from memblock 999, 1 ` assumes you won't need sound number 999!
clone sound soundnumber, 999
delete sound 999
` memblock no longer required
delete memblock 1
DATA "A0",27.500,"B0",30.868,"C1",32.703,"D1",36.708,"E1",41.203,"F1",43.654,"G1",48.999,"A1",55.000,"B1",61.735
DATA "C2",65.406,"D2",73.416,"E2",82.407,"F2",87.307,"G2",97.999,"A2",110.00,"B2",123.47,"C3",130.81,"D3",146.83
DATA "E3",164.81,"F3",174.61,"G3",196.00,"A3",220.00,"B3",246.94,"C4",261.6,"D4",293.67,"E4",329.63,"F4",349.23
DATA "G4",392.00,"A4",440.0,"B4",493.88,"C5",523.25,"D5",587.33,"E5",659.26,"F5",698.46,"G5",783.99,"A5",880.00
DATA "B5",987.77,"C6",1046.5,"D6",1174.7,"E6",1318.5,"F6",1396.9,"G6",1568.0,"A6",1760.0,"B6",1975.5,"C7",2093.0
DATA "D7",2349.3,"E7",2637.0,"F7",2793.8,"G7",3136.0,"A7",3520.0,"B6",3951.1,"C8",4186.0
"Using Unix is the computing equivalent of listening only to music by David Cassidy" - Rob Pike