As a test, I just made a very VERY simple DLL to see if I can make that work with
text 5,5,str$(GET NUMBER())
wait key
that, and it tells me "Cannot determine parameter type on line 2". Ack
The DLL:
// IntTest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
__declspec(dllexport) int getInteger( void )
return 42;
The string table entry:
GET NUMBER[%F%?getInteger@@YAHXZ
Does anyone have any idea why DBP (or CPP6) hates me? o.O I did it just like the example function, except the constant MYCOMMAND as "__declspec(dllexport)"; instead I just wrote that manually.
Then I paste it into
C:\Program Files\Dark Basic Professional\Compiler\plugins-user
and it still gives me that loathed error
Please and thanky
FunkyStickmen: Battle of the Races (1%)