Well, im not really an expert (nor can I get one) when it comes to 3d animation. So ill just stick with manually animating static models consecutively, here's what im talking about:
`Courtesy of NGC's 3rd Person Shooter Example
make object sphere player, 2
hide object player
load object "media/3rd_shooter/player/soldier_stand.x",player_stand_anim
load object "media/3rd_shooter/player/soldier_run.x",player_run_anim
rem Sets up the standing animation
rotate object player_stand_anim, 0, 180, 0
fix object pivot player_stand_anim
position object player_stand_anim,0,10,0
scale object player_stand_anim, 20, 20, 20
glue object to limb player_stand_anim, player, 0
rem Sets up the running animation
rotate object player_run_anim, 0, 180, 0
fix object pivot player_run_anim
position object player_run_anim,0,10,0
scale object player_run_anim, 20, 20, 20
glue object to limb player_run_anim, player, 0
hide object player_run_anim
rem Loops the player's standing animation
loop object player_stand_anim
set object speed player_run_anim, 150
Here we have two models played after each other to give an animation effect. How do you do it with 4 models in 4 different poses?
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