yeah but Daz if the virus must be transmitted by touch for example then there is slim to no chance you'll get it, unless when she came back she touched like a thousand people ... because with virus like this they'll test everyone you come in contact with before you knew.
they show the name on the news thats on almost 24|7 ... alteast here it is, i'm sure you guys must get some of the more popular channels like CNN CBN BBC News24 etc...
personally i think its a little disturbing that a kid has the veiw that seperatism is the best way to stop problems, but hopefully as he grows up that veiw will change. there are alot of virus that are rampant all over the world that are killing millions, and there's no mass hyteria over HIV or AIDs anymore - but thats probably the biggest killing virus of all time at almost 4million per year worldwide according the Red Cross.
and they're not even close to comming up with a real cure as due to its nature the blasted thing changes its make up as soon as its threatened ... and becuase it wraps itself around the white blood cells its almost impossible to drain all traces or kill the virus in standard means without killing the patient.
its so weird how humans being probably one of the most fragile of creatures on this planet have evolved to the level they have - and its very scarey some of the routes that are being layed out as our possible
evolution as it were, as you know that soon Cybernetic Enhancements will be on the market - i don't mean like some silly Sci-Fi movie, i mean the reality of what stage of development we're at is Cyborg enhancements ... with experiements currently being carried out for medical purposes, but as only the richest countries will have these things available (America springs to mind) it'll be a case of the highest bidder will be able to afford to enhance themselves in this fashion.
No doubt be taken up in the same was as plastic surgery, sure some will disapprove but after a decade it'll become standard practise.
With the Internet growing and information flowing more and more freely albeit oftenly wrong, that kind of future is a very worrying one.
do you think that perhaps there is more and more there is out there nowadays that perhaps isn't getting enough attention - suchas Cyrogentics is also a technique not just theoritical but a practise being performed by a small group of individuals... this is happening all over the world too. Alot of Science Fiction is quick quickly and spuratically becomming science fact, suchas Teleportation of Molecules has been made possible by an Australian team of scientists, Atomic Fusion generators are currently being developed in Oxford, Heinberg Plasma weaponry is being developed in Utah. You take your eye off the world for a second and you'll notice that the stupid problems around the world are being overcome in the background by inventions which could give our leader a possible power which is devastating to think about, as that sort of power in the hands of children is bad news.
Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
One block follows the suit ... the whole suit of blocks is the path ... what have you found?