You wont be able to do it with Freewebs. Making an MMO is an impossibility for the average DB user because (other than idiocy and obvious inbreeding) it costs money to run a server that can support an online game. And it's complicated.
You'd need to get a server that can run a program that acts as your host that all other programs connect to by IP address using DBP's net commands. You
could make DBP talk to a PHP script and send and recieve variables from an SQL table that you've set up on your webspace (gonna have to actually buy that, Freewebs wont do it), but then you wouldn't be able to do anything, becuase you'd have no server to connect to to actually play the game. And of course, getting DBP to talk to an SQL table is something that would be quite difficult, and that I would have no idea how to do.
In short, you're literally completely doomed, but I don't want to get your hopes down.