Hi folks,
In the DarkSDK Help files for dbMakeMeshFromMemblock it states that:
'The default FVF Format is 338. The second DWORD is the FVF Size, which is the size in bytes of a single vertex element. This size is respective of the FVF Format you specified, which has a default of 36.'
I am taking a .x file, loading as an object and then:
dbMakeMeshFromObject( mesh id = 1)
... alter memblock values ....
dbMakeMeshFromMemblock( mesh id = 2)
if i take this new mesh (id = 2) and then make it back into a memblock so i can dump the FVF format out using my own routines it is *still* in FVF 274 not FVF 338. Is 338 not the default ? Am I missing something ?
Also on a small aside, when i dbCreateObject(id = 1) and dbLinkLimb(objId = 1, limbId = 1, meshId) the limb becomes hidden when i dbHideObject(id = 1) *even* if i dbShowLimb(objId = 1, limbId = 1)
As soon as i dbShowObject(id = 1) bingo - back it appears.
Show / hide limb *does* work fine if the object is visible. 8/
No Gir ! Thats Bad !